002 - Park Performances

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"Babe? What do you think of doing a small live performance at Central Park? The tourists would love it and so would some of the park regulars." Scarlett said, circling her arms around her fiancée's waist as she sighed softly in content. Emma gazed up at Scarlett, her ocean eyes sparkling with a hit of mischief. "You know I'd love to, darling. Central Park is one of the most beautiful places in the city, it's a general tourists attraction as well. It'd be an honor to perform for its regulars and the tourists." She leaned in and kissed Scarlett softly on the lips.

"But," the green-eyed brunette continued, drawing out the word teasingly, "I think we should keep it a secret that we're together. The media would go wild and it'd be a madhouse. Let's just say that we're old friends and we love to perform together. That way, we can have our little moment in the spotlight without all the unwanted attention." Scarlett smiled deviously as she felt her fiancée nod against her chest in agreement. "And," she whispered, lowering her voice to a husky purr, "I want to surprise you with something special. Just you and me, under the stars."

Emma leaned back to look at Scarlett, her lips curling into a secretive smile. "Oh really? And what could that be, my dear?" she asked, her voice light and airy as she playfully pushed against Scarlett's chest.

Scarlett grinned, her green eyes sparkling with mirth. "Well," she drawled, "let's just say that it's something that you're going to have to wait and see." She paused dramatically, her gaze flickering to the sky beyond the treetops outside their apartment bedroom's floor-to-ceiling window. "But," she added with a wink, "I promise it'll be worth the wait."

Emma laughed, her voice tinkling like a small bell. "Oh, you are such a tease!" she exclaimed, playfully swatting at Scarlett's shoulder, making the brunette release a faux gasp of hurt. "Alright, alright. I'll wait. But only because I know it's going to be good." With that, she leaned in and kissed Scarlett softly on the cheek.


The morning of the performance arrived, and Scarlett and Emma were up early to get ready. Scarlett dressed in a pale blue sundress that flowed with the breeze, its sleeves rolled up to reveal her toned arms. She wore her hair down, the short, gentle waves framing her face and accentuating her striking features. As for Emma, she chose a flowing white dress that fell to her knees, its delicate lace trim adding a touch of elegance. The sleeves were loose and billowy, almost like wings as she moved. Around her neck, she wore a simple gold chain with a small heart pendant that glinted softly in the sunlight. Her hair was tied back into a sleek half-up ponytail, held in place by a delicate gold hairpin. "There you go," Scarlett said, stepping back to admire her work. "You look absolutely stunning."

Emma turned this way and that in front of the full-length mirror, examining her reflection. "Thank you, love," she replied, blushing slightly. "You don't look so bad yourself." She playfully winked at Scarlett, who had moved back to her side and had wrapped her arms around her fiancée's waist, her green eyes shining brighter than ever.

Scarlett smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "You're right," she agreed. "We'll make quite the pair tonight." They both glanced out the floor-to-ceiling windows, taking in the breathtaking view of Central Park below. The sun was setting, painting the sky in a canvas of pinks, oranges, and reds. "Think I should post something 'fore we go?"

Scarlett nodded. "Yeah, let all your fans know where you'll be. But don't say too much, you know. Just enough to keep them guessing." She smiled, admiring her fiancée's backside as she swayed to the rhythm of the music playing in their suite. "Besides," she continued, "I think your performance tonight will be enough to give them something to talk about."

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