008 - Welcome to Norway

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As the jet engines roared, Scarlett Johansson nestled deeper into the plush airplane seat, her head resting on her fiancée's shoulder. Emma Whitley, a vision of blonde curls and sapphire blue eyes, snuggled into the crook of Scarlett's arm, their bodies entwined in the soft blanket. Despite the early hour, the air was thick with the sweet scent of their shared intimacy, a heady mix of jasmine and vanilla that seemed to permeate every crevice of the cabin. Scarlett glanced at the digital clock mounted on the bulkhead above their heads: 6:47 AM. She let out a yawn, her eyes fluttering shut once more as the warmth of Emma's body seeped into her own.

The gentle hum of the plane and the muffled chatter of the flight attendants created a lulling soundtrack, almost like a soothing lullaby. As they flew over the Atlantic, the sun began to rise, casting a rosy glow through the windows, painting the cloudscape outside in shades of peach and lavender.

Scarlett shifted slightly in her seat, her body instinctively seeking out the warmth of Emma's touch. The soft fabric of their clothes rustled as they moved together, the weight of their intertwined fingers heavy and reassuring. The air smelled of coffee brewing in the galley, and the faint taste of it wafted through the vents, tantalizing their senses.

Their flight attendant, a tall and athletic man with a boyish grin, stopped by to offer them breakfast. "Morning, ladies," he greeted them with a cheerful smile. "Coffee, tea, or juice?"

"One coffee please, and a tea for her," Scarlett murmured, gesturing to a sleepy Emma. The flight attendant nodded and disappeared into the galley to fetch their drinks. Scarlett leaned in closer to her fiancée, her lips brushing against Emma's ear. "You sleep well?" she whispered, her breath tickling the soft hairs behind her ear.

"What's the time, Scar?" Emma asked, her voice husky from sleep, just as Scarlett's phone started ringing. "Oh, ignore it. It's probably just Colin checking up on me," she added with a small smile, referring to her actor boyfriend, Colin Jost. Scarlett reached into her bag to retrieve her phone, glancing at the caller ID before answering.

"Hey babe-" "I'm not Colin, Scarlett." The brunette's eyes widened as she recognized the voice on the other side of the line. "Robert? Since when are you up this early in the morning?" she asked, her voice laced with surprise and curiosity. "Morning there, Scarlett. Glad to see you finally answered." Robert Downey Junior said as soon as Scarlett put the phone to her ear.

"Just wanted to wish you good luck with filming and I was wondering when you get back, maybe we could plan a cast get together? The Avengers can all hang out, talk shop, that sort of thing," Robert said, his voice warm and inviting.

Scarlett glanced at her lover, who looked equally surprised. "Uh, yeah, that sounds like fun actually," she said, then turned back to the phone. "We'll definitely have to do that, Rob. I'm sure the whole gang would love to catch up." She paused, then added, "I've been meaning to ask, how's your health been? I heard you've been looking good lately."

The actor chuckled lightly. "Thanks, Scar. I've been doing alright. Taking it easy, you know? I appreciate your concern. So, about that get-together, we'll touch base after you get back, yeah?"

Emma, who had been listening intently, leaned in closer to Scarlett. "That's so nice of him, Scar. You two have really stayed close over the years," she murmured, her voice full of admiration.

Their flight attendant returned with their drinks, setting them down on the small table between their seats. Scarlett thanked him and took a sip of her coffee, savoring the rich, bold flavor. Emma, on the other hand, sipped at her tea, her long, slender fingers wrapped around the delicate china cup.

"I've always thought it was so nice that you and Robert have stayed so close," she said to Scarlett, her voice still tinged with admiration. "You two really are like family."

"He treats me like a little sister. A bit annoying really considering I have 5 siblings, but it's sweet," Scarlett laughed, taking another sip of her coffee. "We've been through a lot together, you know? The Avengers movies, the ups and downs of the industry. He's always been there for me, and I've tried to do the same for him. It's nice to have that support system."

Emma smiled at her lover, nodding in agreement. "You two really are like a pair of old shoes. You're so comfortable with each other." She glanced out the window, watching the clouds slowly drift by. "How long till we reach Norway?"

"Still a few more hours, I think," Scarlett replied, sipping at her coffee. "Can we watch a movie please, Clem? Something light and fun to pass the time?"

Emma considered the question for a moment, then nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds good. Maybe we could find something in the in-flight entertainment system. Something new, you know? We've both been so busy lately, we never seem to have time for movies."

Scarlett leaned over to the small television screen embedded in the back of the seat in front of them and began browsing through the movie options. After a few moments, she settled on a romantic comedy that they'd both been meaning to see. The cabin attendant came by to make sure they were still comfortable, offering them more drinks and snacks. They both declined, content to enjoy the quiet time before they reached their destination.

Their laughter bought smiles to the faces of the passing by flight attendants, who glanced over at them briefly before returning to their own tasks. The movie continued, its lighthearted tone a welcome respite from the stress of their everyday lives. As the story unfolded, both women found themselves lost in the moments, forgetting about the time and the distance between them. They exchanged knowing glances and giggled at the characters' antics, relating to the ups and downs of love and relationships.


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Liked by FlorencePugh, Lizzie_OlsenOfficial, Taylor_Swift and 4,500,984 others

ScarlettJohansson After twelve hours of a flight, we finally landed. The pilot got a bit lost trying to find the airport in Bergen 😂


Not a very long chapter, I know. I wrote this at 9:15pm my time and at this point of the evening, my spark lacks a bit. Might do a huge time jump for the next chapter, not sure yet. Anywho, hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

Quick question, when I do eventually get to Clem and Scar's wedding, should I have Scarlett change her name to Scarlett Whitley-Johansson or should I have Clem change hers to Clementine Johansson-Whitley?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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