004 - Movies Day

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Liked by LolaWhitley, Blake_Lively, JustOliviaRodrigo and 3,276,893 others

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Liked by LolaWhitley, Blake_Lively, JustOliviaRodrigo and 3,276,893 others

ScarlettJohansson You're the reason I can say, without a doubt, without a fear, this moment with you, is truly dear.

Username008 Never took Scarlett for such a romantic
RobertDowneyJnr Same here
Username008 I just died and came back to life! The RDJ replied to me!!!!

Taylor_Swift Pretty view
Scarlett_Johansson It is rather marvellous, isn't it?

FlorencePugh Who's the other woman in the photo, Scar?
Lizzie_OlsenOfficial ^
ChrisEvans ^
RyanRReynolds ^ For once, I agree with this crazy lot, Scar. Who is she?
MarkRuffalo ^
Cinderella_Mackie ^
Scarlett_Johansson That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot
FlorencePugh Not helping, Scarlett!

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The sunlight streamed in through the large windows, casting a warm, golden glow across the immaculate white sheets. The room was a study in serenity, with its tasteful floral curtains and delicate china adorning the nightstand. Emma Whitley stirred in her slumber, her features soft and peaceful, her long blonde hair fanning out across the pillow like spun gold. The soft snore that escaped her lips was almost musical, contrasting sharply with the cacophony of electronic beeps and chirps emanating from the bedside table.

Scarlett Johansson, on the other hand, was a picture of vitality as she entered the room, balancing a tray laden with steaming waffles and a coffee cup on one hand. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a messy claw-clip bun, her green eyes sparkling with energy. She was dressed casually in a pair of faded jeans and a fitted T-shirt, the hemline riding high on her toned thighs. Her gaze flickered towards her fiancée, and she couldn't help but smile as she watched Emma sleep.

Their youngest daughter, Rose, followed behind her mother, her own brown hair tied back in a messy ponytail and wearing a pair of pink pajamas. She was a spitting image of Scarlett, and they shared the same bright, curious gaze. In her hand, she clutched a stuffed animal that was starting to show signs of wear and tear. The little girl tiptoed towards the bed, her tiny hand reaching out to touch her mother's cheek.

"Morning, little dove." Emma's sleepy voice was like warm honey, and Rose beamed at the nickname, climbing onto the bed to cuddle into her mother's side. "Mmph," Emma mumbled, nuzzling her daughter's neck before opening her eyes to find Scarlett watching her with a fond smile. "Good morning, love." She stretched lazily, arching her back before rolling onto her side to face Scarlett. "I see someone's in a good mood this morning."

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