Chapter 6.

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About two months had passed, and Ella Thornton was 3 months pregnant with Rafe Cameron's baby. Things were the same between them, only seeing each other at appointments or bumping into him when he was with Topper, which was awkward.

The date went well with Sam, and now Ella and Sam have gotten way closer.

"Ella wake up!" She heard, making her quickly shoot up, groaning as she rubbed her head. "We have a ton of things to do today!" Mary had said to the sleepy girl.

Ella yawned, as she checked the time, reading 10am. Today was the gender reveal for her baby, she was quite excited to see what her little bundle of joy was going to be.

She climbed out of bed, sliding on her grey hoodie with some shorts, her stomach was now showing a bit. She smiled as she sprayed perfume all over herself, fixing up her hair quickly.

Meanwhile, Rafe was up almost all night. He couldn't sleep. He was so nervous to see what the gender of his kid was. Rafe obviously wanted a boy so he can go treat him way better than Ward did to him. He wanted to prove Ward that he could be a better father than he ever was.

Rafe got out of the shower, before slapping on some clothes. He sighed, before he opened his room door, walking out, only to be met with Ward. "Son, this is a big day. You ready?" Ward asked the tall boy, as he placed a hand on his shoulder. "Uhm..I guess." Rafe mumbled.

"Alright well, since the party will be here, the decorators will be here in a hour or so. So make sure to pay attention to that." Ward smiled, patting his back and walking back into his office.

Rafe sighed, before walking downstairs, trying to process everything at the moment.

Ella was now in the car with Mary and Rose, as they had just picked up Rose to go pick up the pastries and food for the party. "I'm beyond excited about this!" Rose says, as she was in the passenger seat. "Me as well. Well, I doubted all of this at first..I was so angry about Ella having a baby..but it's grown on me.." Mary sighed, glancing back at Ella in the back seat. Ella rolled her eyes, before going on her phone.

"So Ella..I heard you turned down your Stanford offer.." Rose says. Ella looked up from her phone, not really wanting to talk about it. She had turned down her dream school because of the baby, she didn't know how she was going to do all of this at the same time, school and taking care of an infant.

"Yeah.." Ella cleared her throat. "It was a very hard decision, but I told her to maybe hold on the offer, and come back to school another time." Mary smiled at Rose, making Ella roll her eyes again.

Ella was now in her room, doing her make up for the party. Sarah, Kiara, snd Cleo where currently in her room, as they where getting ready themselves. "So did your parents leave?" Cleo asked, as she done her hair. "Yeah no one's come right now, so we're all arriving together. They're helping set up the party." Ella says with a nod, as the gender reveal party was starting in 20 minutes.

"Well hurry it up girl, you don't have much time." Kie chuckles, as she finished getting ready. "I'm almost done with my make up!" Ella sighed, as she blended in her blush. "You haven't even gotten dressed." Sarah laughed lightly at the girl. Ella playfully rolled her eyes as she just finished getting ready.

"I can't believe you're already 3 months pregnant!" Sarah says, looking down at Ella's stomach. Ella smiled at the girl, before she took her robe off, starting to put her clothes.

"Aww it's a cute baby bump!" Kie teased, making the girls giggle, as they now adored the fact Ella was pregnant, they were quite excited. "Okay how does this outfit look on me? Fine?" Ella asked the girls, as she did a quick twirl, showing them her outfit.

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