Chapter 7.

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After Rafe and Ella found out they where having a babygirl, they where obviously thrilled. Rafe was just a tad upset since he wanted a son.

Everyone now began to leave.

"Hey Ella, we're leaving" says John B, with the pouges beside him. "Thanks for coming guys" Ella smiled, as they all pulled her in for a big hug. "Of course, we wouldn't miss this day" says Kie as she pulls apart. "Congratulations again on a girl! Cant wait for a niece!" Pope chuckled, making Ella smile at the boy. "Love you Pope!"

"Can you come fishing with us tomorrow?" JJ smirked.  "Yeah sure" Ella laughed lightly. After a quick talk with the group, they actually began to leave.

"Okay cya El!" Cleo says, before they all exchanged goodbyes, leaving.

Ella sighed to herself, as everyone slowly left. She was a bit overwhelmed with all the people that where there for her pregnancy, most old ladies trying to feel her stomach, which made her feel more overwhelmed. But she was glad it was over, and she finally knows the gender of her baby.

She was then was greeted by Rafe, "a girl huh? Must be exciting for you.." he says to the shorter girl, before looking around. "Yeah, I'm happy. Are you?" She glanced at him. "Of course..Ill be like that hot dad" he grinned, making Ella chuckle. "Yeah sure" she mumbles, "you know it's true" he grinned looking down at her. She playfully rolled her eyes.

"I should go help..clean everything up" Ella cleared her throat, as that what was what some people where doing.

"I'll go do should rest El.." He says. "Are you sure?" She asks, placing a hand on her stomach. "Yeah el.." he whispers, before he walked away.

She smiled to herself.

It had been a couple days since the gender reveal, and Ella was very happy about having a baby girl.

She was currently hanging out with the pouges, at John Bs Chateu.


"Ella pass me a beer" says JJ, as she sat on the cooler, she stood up for a second, before throwing JJ and beer

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"Ella pass me a beer" says JJ, as she sat on the cooler, she stood up for a second, before throwing JJ and beer. "That's like your fourth one" Kie chuckled. "He can't ever help it, cant you Jayj?" Pope says, patting the boys back. "Beer is life basically" says JJ, "well that's super unhealthy man" says Cleo. "No it's not Cleo!" Argued JJ.

The group began to bicker, annoying Ella, before she saw Sarah arrive on her bike, quickly rushing to them. "Hey baby" John B smiled. "No time for that! Guess what the hell I just found out!" She says, breathing a bit heavy.

The group looked at each other then back to Sarah, Ella furrowed her brows, "what's up?" Asks the group.

"Rafe has been with this girl lately and I saw her today for the first time, leaving my house, and Wheezie told me she's been staying over like every fucking night! I think they're dating!" Sarah says quickly.

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