Chapter 8.

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The Cameron household was empty, expect for the fact Rafe and Barry where there.

Rafe Cameron was currently smoking a joint with his good friend Barry, out in the balcony.

"I mean I don't understand females man" Rafe scoffed, taking another hit from the blunt, passing it along to Barry. "How many damn girlfriends you got man? Don't get this one pregnant now" Barry teased with a chuckle, looking over to the boy beside him.

Rafe rolled his eyes in response, before cracking a beer open, "my parents aren't really thrilled about me seeing someone while Ella being pregnant. They think I should wait, or be with Ella. Like why are they going to force me into some shit I don't wanna do" Rafe scoffed.

"Did you and ya female get into another argument or something?" Barry asked, "yeah she's mad at me

Barry sighed, as he blew the smoke onto Rafe's face, "I'd say leave this girl, and be with Ella. I mean look at her, she's a 10 out of 10 and that's rare in the outerbanks" Barry grinned. Rafe scoffed, before he began to fiddle with his fingers, "im not leaving Lily, she's my girlfriend, that's it."

Rafe kept pushing and pushing his feelings away, hiding the fact that he really did like Ella Thornton, but again, he just didn't want to show it. He wanted to be tough, he wanted to show off as tough. He wanted people to see that he was careless about things.

"Alright so you're telling me, you hooked up with Ella hella times, just to get her pregnant by accident, then say you basically don't got feelings for the girl? Makes no sense country club" Barry shook his head. Rafe sighed, "you like Ella, you just don't want to admit it. Trust me, I know" Barry continued. Rafe now looked over to him, just staying shut, knowing he was right.

Meanwhile, Ella was currently getting ready to head to the country club with Topper and Kelce, since they had invited her.


Since she was pregnant, she couldn't really wear much that she used to, since now her stomach is showing more

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Since she was pregnant, she couldn't really wear much that she used to, since now her stomach is showing more.

She ran a hand through her hair, looking at herself in the mirror, before she grabbed her things, walking downstairs into the living room, seeing her father. "Hey Dad" Ella smiled, sitting beside him and resting her head on his shoulder. "Hey hun" he smiled at his daughter, as he flipped through the channels on the television.

"Ella you ready to go?" Topper asked his sister, as he had walked downstairs, Kelce standing beside him. "Uhm, yeah" Ella says, as she slowly got off the couch, placing a hand on her stomach, since her back had hurt. "You alright?" Her father Ryan had asked. "Yeah I'm fine Dad, always get cramps when I stand up, I'll see you later though" she chuckled, before following Topper out the door.

She got into the car, putting on her seatbelt, as she was left in the back. "It's Saturday so you already know, all the fine Kooks are going to be there" Kelce grinned as he rubbed his hands together, Topper beginning to drive. "Man I need to find a girlfriend..we should both get girlfriends Kelce" Top says, glancing at the boy beside him. "Two man" Kelce grinned.

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