CHAPTER 15: treasure hunt

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you are all at the chateau sat together
j: this is weird why would ur dads compass be down there
jb: idk
y/n: he was looking for treasure he left but it's strange
k: there is no way he can afford a boat like that
jb: exactly it's sketchy and the cops were looking for it
y/n: do u think they know where he is ?
p: if they knew where he was they would of told u by now i don't think this has anything to do with him
k: but its his compass
jb: wait *runs in his office
you all go after him
jb: he said something about this treasure that was gonna make us rich we never believed him but what if he might actually be onto something here
y/n: I think u might be right
s: but all u no is they had his compass that could be mean anything
y/n: exactly but it's strange
you hear a car pull up
y/n: who's that
jj looks
j: um guys we need to go rn
jb: what are u talking about
y/n: shit we gotta go now
the guys block the door and you girls try and open the window
you all hear a gun shot
s: omg hurryyyy
you get it open and jump out and run out and run to the chicken coop to hide
everyone runs in
jb: they are taking my dads stuff
k: omg someone shut that chicken up or something cus it's gonna get us caught *is in tears
you are all scared
jj has no choice but to kill chicken
you watch in tears and they guys leave
you all get out
jb: I think my dad might of found something and I think these guys know it
k: idk if this is a good idea we nearly just died
y/n: if it means me ans jb might be able to find our farther again then im doing it
s: looks at Johnb
Johnb goes back into the office and looks around and finds something
jb: guys do any of u no what the royal merchant is
p: I do it's a lost treasure no one has ever found it
jb: well I think this is what my dad was looking for
k: are u serious
j: pope do u no how much it's worth
p: um about 400 million
you all look at eachother
y/n: 400 million are u serious
k: ok we are finding this treasure
j: hell yeah we are
you all go back in the office
jb: dad use to keep back up stuff *has a look
y/n: these are coordinates I think to the royal merchant
j: how are we suppose to get down there and look
k: no more scuba diving
y/n: yeah that's definitely off the table
j: hey I might no something
p: what
j: my dad use to work at this place u no for like electrical stuff but he got fired cus he was always drunk anyway I know for a fact there something in there that we can use
s: let's go get it now
p: hold on we are not breaking in
y/n: yes we are
p: no no way
j: move pope we are getting that treasure
you all break in and steal the drone that can record under water
pope tests it out
while Kiara Sarah and Johnb go under the water
j; godbless geeks pope honestly what would we do without u controlling the drone
p: well technically it's not a drone
j: shut up it's too early for that rn
y/n: chuckles
you get the drone down to the bottom of the ocean using the coordinates ur dad did
jb: stop we have found it
you all look
s: no treasure
j: fuck are u serious
p: nothing seriously
y/n: sighs
you all go home feeling defeated
jb: maybe we was wrong
y/n: maybe
j: hey guys don't give up
y/n: he is right jj we don't even no if our dad is alive let alone finding treasure
j: look maybe ur right but what if maybe ur wrong
jb idk jj but rn I need to sleep
y/n: me too
you walk and go get into bed
jj goes in and cuddles u from behind
y/n: u really think this might be true
j: I do *kisses ur head
y/n: relaxes* today has been a lot *yawns
j: get some sleep ok
y/n: hmmm *falls asleep
j: jj watches u sleep and plays with ur hair

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