CHAPTER 29: she will come around

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It's been a insane day
we got justice for ward and Rafe
Rafe got arrested again but he got let out because ward confessed to the shootings
Ward killed himself on the Cameron boat and we all saw including Sarah
you are really worried about her
she broke up with Johnb
he is really hurting

you are standing next to jj while he is fishing
j: he deserved it though right
y/n: of course he deserved it
j: tick that one of the bucket list
y/n: jj
he realizes it was the wrong time to say that
you go and sit next to Johnb
y/n: don't worry she will come round
jb: it's not me I'm worried about
You rub his back
y/n: we know how it feels to loose a dad jb
jb: and I fucked it up
y/n: ur aloud to feel anger towards him he ruined our lives but doesn't mean u shouldn't be there for Sarah
jb: thanks for reminding me
y/n: what I'm saying is mistakes happen and u can be the one to fix them ok
jb; nods
you all chill out for the rest of the day
you and jj are sat outside just the two of u
y/n: feels like life has been crazy recently
j: yeah it really does
you sit on his lap
y/n: glad we are doing this together
j: me too *smiles
y/n: I love u
he holds u
j: i love u too
he kisses u
you kiss him back
you start making out
he puts his hand up ur thigh
y/n: jj we are outside
you keep kissing him
j: andddd no one is gonna see *keeps kissing u
k: u sure about that
y/n: chuckles* told u
j: thanks kie u ruined the moment
k: ur welcome *chuckles
j: shouldn't u be fucking pope
k: actually we aren't together
j: but u fucked him though
k: does it matter
j: yes it's pope he is nerdy guy of our grp
k: fine yeah it was good but it wasn't perfect
j: ohhh so u want someone who is like perfect for u
k: exactly
y/n: i found my perfect
you wrap ur arms around his neck and kiss his cheek
he smirks and smiles
k: jj is ur perfect *chuckles
y/n: smiles* yess surprising i know
j: what's that suppose to mean
y/n: nothing baby *chuckles.
k: chuckles* those 2 are having a cry together down there
j: chuckles* both can handle rejection
you hit jj
j: laughs* owww whattt
y/n: do u wanna get rejected
j: let's be honest I'm not going too *chuckles
k: ur over confident u need ur ego down
y/n: ill sort it out *chuckles
you get up
j: woah woah woah kie wtf
k: chuckles* what bsfs do
y/n: chuckles
j: kie ill kill u
k: good luck with that *chuckles
y/n: chuckles* cmon let's go cheer the others up
you get some beers and go over to them
j: catch these
he throws the beers at them
they both catch one
you and kie smoke a blunt
j: what u guys doing out here having a good cry ?
jb: cry ?
p: cry no
jb; no we don't cry
y/n: chuckles
k: u know she will come around
She looks at Johnb
jb: u think so
k: yeah of course she is one of us
y/n: shes right
jb: smiles* Sarah's a pogue
you all watch him
jb: I'm gonna do a backflip
y/n: no way
j: u won't *chuckles
k: ur lying
He does one and u all cheer
j: I suggest we get fucked up tonight
y/n: I agree
you all get drunk and smoke weed
you fall asleep cuddling jj in bed
pope and kie are up first
p: jb wake up we have a test
you and jj are passed out
jb: groans* please not now
p: we have test cmon get up
he goes over to jj and slaps him lightly across the face a few times
p: jj get up wake y/n up we gotta go
k: I'm gonna meet up with u guys later
p: ok
j: groans* i need food
p: u missed breakfast
p: y/nnnn
y/n: ughhhhhhh
you get up half asleep
You and jj fall asleep in the Twinkie
jb: it's too early why did we have to go in today
p: how many times do I need to say why
you get out and go in the classroom barely awake
you sit at ur desk half asleep
you hated school always have also u was slightly hungover
you eyes are red from smoking too much weed last night
t: mr routledge glad ur back
jb: so good to be back *is being sarcastic
t: just intime for ur first test
you all look at pope
jb; at test u never told us we had a test
p: yes I did that was the first thing I said this morning
you and jj look at him pissed off
jj leans across and grabs ur thigh
j: u ok
y/n: I'm tired I feel sick and I smell like weed
j: ill take that as a no *chuckles
y/n: I'm sorry I just don't wanna be here rn
j: then don't
y/n: school is important jj as much as I don't wanna admit it is
j: u literally went away to a fancy school and came back because u was smart u can miss a day
y/n: ur right thank u what about u
j: i should probably stay here with these idiots but ill see u later
y/n: jj is being sensible this is new
j: chuckles* don't get use to it
y/n: chuckles* don't worry I'm not
you lean over and kiss him and get ur stuff
t: miss routledge where are u going we have a test
y/n: I'm going home
t: miss routledge will u sit down
y/n: ummm nah I'm good
you leave
jj watches u and laughs
t: Mr maybank do u want detention
j: no
t: then focus on ur test
you go home and see kie there
k: why are u back
y/n: no point being there
k: good point
you sit down next to her
y/n: how's things with ur parents
k: not good they hate me want me to be a kook still but i told my mom i slept with a pogue
y/n: i bet she was thrilled by that *chuckles
k: chuckles* should of seen her face
y/n: chuckles* seriously though as someone who has not had parents around for a while family isn't always blood
its the people u bond with and feel safe and comfort with
ur like a sister to me and that won't change
k: thanks ily
y/n: ily2
you hug
y/n: let's enjoy the silence with no boys here while we can
k: chuckles* was thinking the same thing

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