CHAPTER 26: when will we win ?

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you are sat with jj smoking a j together
s: omgg pope and kie are going togetherrr
j: he took ur boat dude
s: woahhhh *chuckles
johnb whistles
y/n: chuckles and smokes
j: u alright
y/n: I'm ok
j: puts his arm around u
Johnb hears something
jb: what's that ?
j: sounds like the chickens *starts making chicken noises
Johnb covers his mouth
you look at Johnb to say something isn't right
jb: everyone get up the tree right now
you all go up the tree
Johnb and jj help u and Sarah up and u all stay up there and hide
you see rafe and Barry go in the chateau
you look at jj scared
j: mouths* it's gonna be ok
b: rafe they ain't here man
r: well they must be cus the smoke is going off on the bonfire
b: no shit but where man
rafe sees the tree
r: wtf is this
b: ur sister a pogue for life man
rafe starts to get angry
he shoots the tree
b: rafe stop *moves the gun away* are u stupid bro we gotta go now
they leave
you look at jj where a gun shot just missed him
you all get down from the tree until they are definitely gone
j: we gotta go now
y/n: get everything and pack guys
the morning draws in and kie and pope come back
k: what are u guys doing ?
j: we are dipping
p: what why
jb: rafe and Barry tried to kill us last night
you get on the boat and go somewhere away from the chateau
j: what now
jb: I didn't wanna run away
j: but what choice do we have
s: maybe I should talk to my dad
j: are u serious , u really think that's gonna work ?
s: idk it's worth a try ok , my dad loves me and I know that just give me a hr please
k: idk if we have any other choice rn
jb: ok fine a hr and come straight back ok
s: I will *kisses Johnb and goes
Sarah comes back a bit later
s: ur right it didn't work
k: shit
j: well that settles it guys you need to get out of here rn
p: I think its too late
you see cops coming towards u
jb: ur dad must of called them
p: runnnn
you all run away from the cops as far as u can until u get trapped
you see jj get his gun out
Johnb stands infront of him and puts it down
jb: it's gonna be alright man
jj looks at him knowing what he is about too do
Johnb puts his hands up
jb: schoop I wanna testify
s: yeah it's about time
?: put ur hands up now
you all put ur hands up scared 
you see Johnb get get put it handcuffs
one of the officers punches Johnb
y/n: wtfff are u doinggg get off him nowww
you go to hit him and a cop grabs u
he hits him again and puts him in the cop car
s: Johnbbbb
?: I can't release if ur gonna keep fighting
y/n: fuck fine I won't just get off me
she let's go off u and you go to jj in tears

a day or two later
you are at the court waiting to hear about Johnbs sentencing
judge: if the court agrees guilty the defendant while receive the death penalty
you get tears in ur eyes
j: HE IS 17
you are in shock of what the judge said
s: JOHNB *cries and a cop grabs her
k: get off her don't touch her
you walk out
?: thank god this system works
y/n: can u please shut up , u think this is some work because it's made to protect u and ppl like u
?: he will have his day in court the jury will decide
y/n: he shouldn't even be in court *you point at ward* YOU SHOULD because ur a murderer
w: ik ur upset
y/n: UPSET
w: he has got u fooled he has got u all fooled
you swing to go and hit him and get pulled back
jj grabs u away from the cops
j: get tf off her
s: do u wanna get arrested
p: this is bullshit
s: go now
k: it's not a coincidence that ur daughter is sitting with us
you all go back to the chateau
j: alright we need a plan cus our boy he being captive by the enemy maybe even up for execution and we are just gonna sit here
k: so what's the plan we start by kidnapping schoop
j: maybe that's not the worst idea actually
k: oh it's not ?
j: nooooo
p: that is the worst idea
j: well while u idiots sit here I'm gonna sort this shit out
s: jj we are trying
j: we'll try harder then
p: jj we aren't storming in jail
j: sighs* whatever im gonna actually do something about this *gets on his bike and drives off
y/n: leave him guys he is angry rn
k: sighs* keep a eye on him ok
y/n: dw I will
you go and sit in ur room
pope knocks the door
p: u alright
y/n: idk how to feel I thought he was dead now he's back then he gets arrested and I might loose him again forever for something he didn't even do
p: the system is fucked but we are pogues and we stick together so we will find away around this ok
y/n: nods* thanks pope
p: it's ok u always have us

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