1. We Fall Through A Wall

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In the car we talked, laughed and screamed our favorite songs. It was the most fun I'd had in a while since 'the incident'. I was going to see my Aunt Helen and spend an awesome spring break with her. My best friends Maeve and Nora would be there too. It was gonna be an awesome break, we had planned everything we wanted to do when we arrived in L.A. We were gonna swim on the beach, drive to Hollywood and go to some pretty famous spots around the state. I was so excited and I could tell my friends were too. But my mom didn't really care, she was going off to spend the break in Dubai with her friends. She didn't want to spend the break with me for 2 reasons;

1. She hates my dad's sister (Aunt Helen).
2. We don't have the best relationship.

My mom and I used to be such good friends, sometimes it felt like she was more a best friend than a mom. But since the incident she had been acting differently. She was quieter and more reserved. I couldn't blame her to be honest, after what happened everyone and everything changed...

But at least for the first time for the year I got to just relax and have fun! "What do you think of this top?" asked Maeve as she showed me her phone, a picture of a blue tank top with weird stripes appeared.
"That's cute" I replied, even though it was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen.
"Ok I'll definitely buy this"
Maeve had an eye for fashion, usually. Her dream was to become a famous fashion designer. While Nora, her complete opposite, wanted to be an archeologist. She loved old myths, legends and absolutely loved Greek mythology. As for me, I loved writing poems and stories. I'd probably written a million in my lifetime. Before dad passed he gave me a notebook and everyday I write a new story in it. It's one of my favorite things in the world. Wait, where is my notebook? I searched around frantically and found it in the hands of Nora, scanning through it. I grabbed it from her hands. "Why'd you take it?! You scared me!" I yelled. I didn't ever let anyone read it, these stories were really personal.
"I'm sorry, I was curious"
"It's ok, just please not again"
"Maddie cut it out! It's not that big of a deal, it's just a notebook" mom said to me.
"I didn't do anything" I mumbled to her, she always had to make everything my fault. Also, it wasn't just a notebook, it was the last thing dad gave me before he died.


We finally arrived at Aunt Helen's house after 2 hours stuck in the humid car. As our car was turning into her driveway, she stood outside on the porch waiting. She waved when she saw us. I looked behind her at the huge house. It was a mansion, a charcoal gray with hints of white Victorian mansion. I'd never been to Aunty's house before, she only came to ours when dad was still around. I haven't seen her in a very long time and I was excited. Aunty was one of my favorite people in the whole world. Sometimes she seemed more like a mom to me than my own.
When mom parked, I jumped out of the car and ran to hug Aunty. "Hey Nugget!" she said to me. She always called me 'Nugget' for absolutely no reason. "Hey Aunty," I said. Aunty seemed different, she seemed sadder. Just like mom, I was not liking that.
Just then, mom called me to come get my bag. I walked over to the car, mom gave Aunty an awkward wave and smiled. She hugged me goodbye and said "Love you sweetie, be good. Ok?" Before I could say anything in reply she got in the car and sped off.

We hauled our bags into the huge entry room with a balcony above and a chandelier even higher above. I knew Aunty was rich but not that rich. Aunty showed us to our room. It was huge with 3 beds, blue walls, a bathroom, a computer, a walk-in closet and so much more cool stuff. Once we got settled in Aunty went to her room to do whatever. She was behaving very strangely, but I decided to let it slide since she had lost her only brother not long ago. So, the games begin! We three started with some online quizzes but after a while got bored. Bored already? On the first day? That can't be a good sign. "Oh! I know we should play hide and seek!" said Nora.
"Isn't that a little kiddy?" I replied.
"We're only 13, come on!"
"Fine" Maeve and I groaned.
"But you're seeking first!" Maeve added.
"Fine" Nora said "1, 2, 3..."

We ran to hide. Searching for a good spot to hide where she wouldn't find us. I ran into Aunty's den, and looked around the room to find a bookshelf. The bookshelf wasn't exactly touching the wall so I decided to squeeze behind. Maeve followed me behind it, she bumped into me. I stumbled backwards, in an attempt to stay upwards I grabbed her shirt. But we were both too unsteady and then...we fell through the wall. Everything turned black.

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