Thirteen - Business class!

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Finally updated again 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️

After Gyuvin got his croissant, he shared it with his beloved blonde who happily took some bites.

Time flew by and now they were walking to the plane. Gyuvin was expecting them to take economy, but of course, the man hes going with is THE Shen Ricky, of course hes gonna be extravegant.

They were sitting in business class, of course. Why did Gyuvin even bother to think?

Ricky let Gyuvin sit at the window seat, and he sat on the isle. While Gyuvin settled down he checked the items he got.

'Nice! We get full on pjamas... And headphones?! Sick!' Gyuvin cheered happily, but also quitely as people were still coming in.

Everyone in business class looked so fancy, and Gyuvin was just there. Looking like a homeless man compard to the other people in business class. He quickly became insecure and hid his face with his hoodie.

Ricky noticed the discomfort his wife was in, so he quickly asked, "Princess, are you okay?" With a worried look on his face.

"Yeah, im fine." Gyuvin lied, of course he wasn't! Ricky obviously could see that.

"Princess, are you REALLY sure?" Ricky asked again, and Gyuvin answered by nodding his head.

The brunette opened his laptop and looked around for movies to watch. He decided to watch 'My Demon' cause apparently the Main character looks like him.

'Hmm.. He does kinda look like me!' Gyuvin thought as he got engaged on the series. He thought it was pretty interesting and cute.. And maybe a little weird. Its like a normal k-drama story plot. Nothing new!

Ricky also, was secretly watching. He was supposedly doing 'work' on his tablet, but he was just watching true beauty again. What? You can't blame him just because he re-watched a specific k-drama episode a million times! Well, it might be weird but not too weird!

Eventually, Gyuvin got tired and fell asleep on Rickys shoulders. Ricky decided he would ACTUALLY do work and not watch true beauty. He needed to organize some stuff anyways.

The two boys got alot of weird looks and whispers. Ricky was boilling hot, none of these damn ass idiots has the right to talk about them like that. Especially his wife.

But one of them, in Rickys opinion crossed the line.

Ricky was still trying to continue his work, ignoring the whispers.

Before he accidently heard someone say this, "They are so gay. And its so disgusting! The blonde totally looks super disgusted..... THAT brunette is probably so annoying. I don't think he even deserves to be in first class! He looks like he came straight from a dumpster." the two 'disgusting' people beside the married couple laughed. While continuing "Maybe because he did came from the dumpster!"

'Thats it.'

"Hey? Are you talking about us?" Ricky turned his head to look at the two ladies gossiping who immediately stopped.


"Oh, sorry. Are you the ones who were talking about me and my HUSBAND?" Ricky fought back. The two girls gasped at what Ricky just said.

"Wife? Hah! Please. I don't even think hes suitable for you, nor to be a husband!" The two girls laughed again, catching everyone in business class's attention. Ricky scoffed.

"Oh please. I doubt your even a woman with... How you look. Plus, sure. Hes not suitable to be a husband, because hes my WIFE." The girls rolled their eyes at Rickys insult.

"Then how about you show us whats in his pants? That'll declare if hes a woman or not." The girls smirked. Ricky gave them a cocky smile instead.

"So? Are you gonna do it?" The girls said, knowing their gonna win this one.

Ricky pulled out his phone and showed a photo of Gyuvin, under him, sweating, panting, and red all over his face. The girls immediately back down after seeing the photo and everyone gasped. Ricky gave everyone a smirk before hugging his beloved wife.

(Shit went down while Gyuvin was asleep, but i won't say what happend, just use your imaginationn hehe)

Gyuvin finally woke up from his slumber, to see Ricky asleep, hugging waist(somehow?....). Gyuvin giggled quitely and grabbed his phone. The brunette took a quick picture of Ricky and slowly got up. He went to the bathroom and saw that hes hair was very messy.

Gyuvin looked around and saw a hair brush lying around. The brunette grabbed the hair brush and quickly brushed it to make it look better.

When Gyuvin walked out he was met with the two girls who blocked his way.

"Excuse me..-"

"Your excused." Gyuvin looked at them, confused which made the two girls giggle. Then, they forcefully pushed Gyuvin into the bathroom who tried to get away.

"Fuck!" Gyuvin cursed out as the two girls pushed him to the ground and locked him into the bathroom. He banged on the door, but no one. Even though he knew the flight attendants would walk past the bathroom at times, he was still terrified.

"Hello?? Help!" Gyuvin tried to unlock the door, but somehow the girls locked it from the inside.

'Nasty women! Eww!' Gyuvin thought as he sat back down on the floor but quickly got up when he realized how cold it was.

Ricky slowly woke up, realizing Gyuvin was no longer beside him. The girls who he was fighting with earlier just kept on giggling.

'where did he go?' Ricky thought to himself, as he looked around and saw that Gyuvin wasn't in sight. Since they were allowed to walk around, Ricky got up and tried to look for Gyuvin, asking the flight attendants if they saw him, asking the people around him, but everyone said they didn't see him.

When the blonde was walking past the bathroom, he heard a bang on the door. He was frightened but he then recognize the voice, and that voice was Gyuvins voice.

"GYUVIN?!" Ricky tried to open the door, but it was lock. Only the flight attendants would have this lock.

"Ricky!! Help!" Gyuvin screamed from the other side of the door. Ricky ran to get some flight attendants to help and they immediately opened the door.

Ricky ran inside the bathroom and helped Gyuvin up.

"Gyuvin! Your freezing cold! How did you..." Ricky slowly turned his heads to the two girls, they were giggling while looking at the married couple.

"Sir? Are you okay? Do you need water or a hot meal?" The flight attendants asked the brunette and helped him get to his seat safely without passing out.

"I-i guess hot water would be nice.." Gyuvin said, his voice was all cracked up which made Rickys heart burn.

"And a hot meal. You must be starving. How long have you been in there?!" Ricky was worried sick for the younger, who smiled weakly at the blonde.

"Probably for 20 minutes or more..." Ricky gasped. 20 minues?! If Ricky didn't hear him he could've freezed to death!(Just Ricky being dramatic...)

"Hello? Miss?" Ricky stopped one of the flight attendants who immediately gave all her attention.

"I want to report about something. These two girls beside us, are the girls who locked my wife in the bathroom. They also made fun of our relationship." Ricky complained, the flight attendant quickly nodded and grabbed other flight attendants to help with the situation.

Gyuvin gobbled up his meal real quick, looked like he was REAL hungry...

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