A Nightmare's and Hypno's Promise

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Steve Saga/Rainbow quest

After The end crystal explosion Everyone is brought back including Origin. Almost everyone excepted that Sabre was Gone and there was nothing bringing him back. All except Nightmare And Hypno who Both knew that Something was wrong If Sabre was this inactive for over A Week.

After asking Alex and Guardian what happened they learn that They did not remember. So they Promised Each other That they would Find Sabre and Make sure that he Was All right.

Some things that you might need to know,

-Lucas is Colle and Doesn't remember Sabre But Helps Nightmare And Hypno as Much as he can.

-Nightmare Goes by Night.

-Hypno hates Almost Everyone except Rainbow, Night, Colle and Galaxy.

-Galaxy Doesn't remember Sabre.

-Night hates being alone.

-Everyone Hates Origin.

A small conversation between Night, Hypno and Colle. (How Colle Started helping.)

"We could try to find his energy signature? Does He even have one?" -Night

"I have no Clue night. Oh hey Colle." -Hypno

"What are you talking about?" -Colle

"A Old friend that we're trying to find." -Hypno

"Oh! Can I help?" -Colle

"Yes." -Hypno -Night

I picture that Night would have a hard time Getting along with hypno But would make A exception Because of Sabre.

Rainbow Quest and steve Saga AU'sWhere stories live. Discover now