~Ghostly Protector~

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After the End Crystal Explosion Hypno follows Sabre Around as a Ghost and Does What he Can to help. A Steve trying to Brake into The Rainbow Hub? Think Again Bud. Nightmare Killing Sabre? Well He's About to live his Namesake until Sabre Comes Back.

 Of Course Hypno is Protective of Sabre as he is The Last thing left of the Old World that he knows of.

Few Head canons and things you need to know for AU

-Sabre always Feels Like he's being watched but assumes it's normal.

-Sabre has Amnesia but slowly regains his Memories as Time passes on.

-Blue steves Know somewhat about Hypno's existence but are to Scared of him to Do anything.

-Hypno is A Vengeful Spirit meaning that the Only reason he hasn't killed everyone who has Hurt Sabre is because he knows Sabre Would Not want him to.

-Hypno Helps Sabre Find things that he lost. Like if he asks aloud, "where did I put my Sword?" poof! It Appears right in front of him. The steves are extremely Confused about this.

-When Sabre Meets Elemental and Time Steve he feels like he shouldn't trust elemental But could Trust Time. That's A mix of his memory Coming back and Hypno really doesn't like Elemental.

-At first when Shadow Sabre comes around Hypno starts taunting him And eventually makes him weak enough mentally to help get Sabre out.

-When Sabre meets Professor red Hypno dislikes him immediately. Dering this time period all he does is make to where The Professor can't find what he's looking for and that's how Sabre finds out that it isn't normal to have something watch you 24/7 and seemingly protect you. This causes the two to instead of normally, become good friends much to M's surprised. The deal is more of just Sabre allowing the professor to experiment on him whenever he asks.

-When the Hypno of Rainbow quest is created he can sense Hypno but not see him.

-Threapist green Steve, M, Time and Professor red are the only ones that Sabre tells of what he remembers of his past.

-When Sabre goes back into the past Hypno couldn't follow causing him to go full vengeful and start ruining the lives of people that hurt Sabre.

-during this time period the red Steve's let themselves be known and started trying to figure out what was going on.

-The professor is the first to find out as he knew about Hypno and how he wanted to protect Sabre from what he could tell in the past. He decided to tell M about to and explain that, "Without Sabre he isn't calm anymore. He's upset and angry at everything that was done to Sabre." After he told M this M realized that he was right and told Time and Threa(green therapist.)

-somehow Sabre finds a way back into the Steve realm and puts a stop to a rebellion and Hypno's rage. Like he appears out of nowhere as this rebellion is fighting the colorless gaurds and light and he's like, Oh hey! Looks like I have some work to do right as I got back.

-cue everyone being confused on how he's back and why the vengeful as they started calling Hypno stopped attacking people and ruining livestock.

-Eventully the Professor finds a way to get to where Hypno can be seen inside of a machine and once Sabre sees him he knows how to make a machine to get him a body again.

-when he gets a body again he explains to Sabre why he was protecting him and why he was so angry at the Steve's as well as scares the shit out of a lot of people when they make fun of Sabre.

-Hypno loves to prank others as well! Just hope your on the good list or you'll have your work cut out for you.


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