Chapter 15

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-Your POV-
I walked into the room stated on the back of the note. I sighed and walked in to see Marcus slapping Jordan across the face. I gasped.
"Let him go Marcus!" I said shakily. Jordan turned his head towards me and I could see blood on the corner of his mouth.
"Ah... I knew you would come..." Marcus drawled out, his back still turned to me. I could see the fear written across Jordan's face. "I knew you would come to your senses and choose the better man..." He said turning around and smirking at me.
"I'm not coming for you... I came to save the best man that has ever walked this earth. And if that means giving myself up for him, then so be it." I was on the verge of tears. Marcus smirked and walked over to me. I gulped as he grabbed me by the waist.
"Well if you've made your decision...." Marcus kissed me intensely. When we broke, I gasped for air. I looked at him beyond pissed.
"If you don't mind, I'd like to set my boy- I mean... Friend, free." I looked at him knowing what his answer would most likely be.
"Go ahead babe." He said smiling at me. His answer surprised me, but within seconds I was on the floor next to Jordan.
"Why did you come?" Jordan whispered dis heartedly.
"Because you mean more to me than anything... Even myself..." I began to undo the binds around Jordan's mid section. I could feel his eyes on me as I worked on the knots.
"But if I go..."
"Yes.... I know Jordan. I don't like the idea either, but at least you will be okay to go." I got the binds around his mid section done then moved onto his feet.
"But how will you get away?" Jordan was more worried about me than himself right now.
"I'll... Find a way I guess." I finished undoing Jordan's feet then started on his hands.
"(Y/n)... What if..."
"Shh..." I placed my finger on his lips, letting the last rope fall to the ground. He looked at me as I examined his bruised and bloodied face. "What did he do to you..." I mumbled to myself. I whipped off the blood in the corner of his mouth while holding back tears. This would probably be the last time I ever saw him. I sighed and let a single tear fall as I removed my finger from Jordan's lips.
"Don't worry. I'll find a way to get you back..." Jordan said, whipping away my tear. I smiled slightly and stood up. When Jordan was standing, he pulled me into a loving embrace. "I will get you out no matter what happens. I promise..." I looked up at him. "I will call the police. I'll do whatever necessary to get you out of here unharmed..."
"I love you..." Jordan replied by kissing me softly. His kiss was enough to make Marcus explode.
"If you want to live outside of this house I suggest that you get out now!" We broke our embrace and I looked up at him one last time.
"I promise..." Jordan said, then he let go of my shoulders. I sighed as I heard his foot steps grow quieter. A small tear fell down my face. Suddenly I was turned around by Marcus.
"You know... Kissing another man in front of your boyfriend is a bad thing to do..." He smirked. "I may just have to punish you for it..." I gulped as Marcus pulled me out of the dark basement.
So I am going on a vacation for 2 days so today and tomarrow. I may not be able to update tomarrow, but I will try! If not, then for those of you in the USA, happy 4th of July! Luv ya guys! <3
~Kitty =^-^=

Love Written in Blood (captainsparklez x reader) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now