Chapter 19

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Skipping a bit into the mianite stream :) also have writers block so if it doesn't seem that good, I'm sorry. Been a while since I have written on this story 😔 so I will try.
-Your POV-
"Ahhh! Jordan halp!" I screamed, running away from some sort of mob. It seemed to be invisible, but I could hear it. It wasn't a normal minecraft mob though.
"Where are you babe!" Jordan said calmly.
"I don't know. Some sort of town I think!"
"Oh! I'm on my way over! Just keep running!" I giggled. I felt so helpless! Suddenly, a person appeared in front of me.
"Ahhh!" I screamed, jumping almost completely out of my chair. I looked and saw it was Jordan. My cheeks turned bright red. "Sorry boo. Thought it was some sort of mob trying to kill me again!" He chuckled.
"That's alright. So what was attacking you?"
"I have no idea! It was invisible I think!" It hit me again. "Ahhhh! It's back!!" I said, running behind Jordan's character.
"Oh! It's a taint swarm. I'll get it." And with one swing of his sword, a group of swirling purple dots disappeared. I giggled.
"No problem babe. Now let's get you out of here." I smiled and followed Jordan's character out of a huge city. I continued following him until we hit two tall towers. "Alright! Welcome to the Fortress of Fury!" I giggled.
"It's so pretty!"
"Heh. Well... Ummmmm... You stay here. I'll be right back." And with that his character started to fly away.
"Hey! Why can your character fly!" Jordan chuckled.
"Don't worry. You'll be able to in a bit..." Bored I decided to look at Jordan's chat. There were a lot of messages saying like, 'don't divide by diamonds again! That didn't work out last time!' And 'don't explode jardon!' I giggled.
"Boo... Are you going to die..." Jordan hesitated.
"Maybe... I have before..." I giggled.
"I'll be your good luck then." I smiled. I suddenly saw in the chat, 'CaptainSparklez tried to divide by diamond'. I burst out laughing. "I-I'm sorry boo." Jordan chuckled.
"It's alright. I'll try again.
~three attempts later~
"Yay! I got it!" Jordan yelled out. I laughed.
"Took you long enough." I stuck my tongue out at him. Jordan chuckled as his character landed in front of mine.
"Here. Put this in your baubles slot." I gave him a questioning look. "In your inventory, on your character in the top right hand corner is a little ring looking thing. Click it and drag what I just gave you into one of the slots."
"Alright. I did it." I smiled.
"Okay. Now double click space." I did it and I started to fly up.
"What the-" I said. "Jordan! What is this!"
"It's an angel ring! Press F5." I did and I had beautiful white wings on my character. I giggled.
"Thanks boo!" I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
"No problem. Now let's get you on team speak."
~ (I have a hatred for Sonja so I'm sorry but in this story, you're gonna be a bit of a bitch to her. Sorry xD)
"Hello?" I said, testing the microphone Jordan had found for me.
"Hey!" A males voice said. He had a bit of a British accent. "Who is this?" He asked.
"I'm (y/n). And you are?"
"Tom. Nice to meet you (y/n)! So how did you get on here?" Jordan chimed into the conversation quickly.
"She's my girlfriend. I let her play for today. Hope ya don't mind!" He said.
"Oooooo! Did I hear someone had a girlfriend!" Another male voice chimed in.
"Yep!" Tom said! "(Y/n), this is Mr. Salty." I giggled.
"Hey! Shut up Tom!" The man said. "My names Tucker." He said brightly. "So I'm assuming your Jordan's new girly girl." I blushed.
"Well welcome your face to the world of Mianite!" Tom said loudly. I giggled.
"Well thank you kind sir!"
"So. Where you at (y/n)?" Tucker asked.
"Ummmm... Jordan's Fortress of something." The three men laughed.
"Fortress of Fury?" Tucker asked.
"Ya! That's it!" I said.
"Well... I could show you around. Help you meet the others that are here!" Tucker offered.
"That would be great!" I said enthusiastically.
"Alright. Be right there." I smiled, muting my mic.
"Your friends are really nice." I said to Jordan.
"Yep. They're great guys. Just so ya know, you don't have to stick around me forever. You can go around and check it out."
"I know! Tucker is gonna show me around. He seems really sweet!" I smiled. "But. Not ass sweet as you!" I giggled.
"Hey! (Y/n)! Where are you at Jordan's towers?" Tucker asked.
"Ummmmmm... I'll go to the top of the taller one." I smiled.
"Alright." I soon saw a character in very detailed red armor come up on a black cloud.
"Hello!" I said. "You're Tucker? Right?"
"Yep! You ready for me to show you around?" He asked politely.
"Yep!" I quickly began to fly. Tucker laughed.
"So your boyfriend set you up to fly already! Is that why he died so many times?" I giggled. I opened my mouth to reply, but Jordan cut me off.
"Shut up Tucker! I can still fill your house with salt!" Tucker laughed.
"There's not enough salt in this dimension to even fill my house!" Tucker retorted.
"Deep dark." Was all Jordan said.
"Touché..." Tucked chuckled. "Alright (y/n)! Let's go and I can show you everything!" I laughed and followed Tucker.
After showing me the taint covered town, Tom's house, Farmer_Steve's house, Thomas the Dank engine and his own house, Tucker took me to see James's house.
"Wag! Get on ts! You need to meet someone!" Tucker typed in chat. Soon after, a man with a British accent sort of like Tom's came onto team speak.
"Yes?" The man said.
"Wag! This is (y/n). She's Jordan's new girly girl." He said.
"Hello!" I said with a friendly tone.
"Well hello!" Wag said. He came flying out of his house, er, tower holding a book. "Can I test something on you?" He asked sweetly.
"Sure!" I landed in the ground below.
"Here. Wear this." Wag said, throwing me a set of armor. I smiled and looked at it. It was a set of Battle Mage armor and an Earth Armor chest piece.
"Alright. Ready!" I said as soon as I had the armor on.
"Wag. You aren't..." But Tucker was too late. Wag had cast a spell that one shot killed me. I laughed. "Wag! She just got here and you killed her!" Tucker exclaimed. Wag laughed.
"I'm sorry! It was too good of an opportunity!" Wag laughed.
"It's fine. Really." I said laughing. "Ummm. Could someone show me the way back? I'm lost..." I said.
"Sure thing!" Wag said. He was soon by my side showing me the way back to his house. As we were nearing it, I noticed a pink house with a purple roof.
"Who lives there?" I said.
"Oh! That's my girlfriend Sonja." Tucker said, sounding very proud. I giggled.
"Can I meet her?" I asked politely.
"Sure!" Tucker said. "I'll bring you your ring." Soon, Tucker was standing next to me and Wag.
"Sonj! Ts!" Tucker typed in chat. Soon after a woman came on team speak.
"What's up?" She said.
"I want you to meet (y/n)!" Tucker said. "Can she come into your house?"
"Uh... Sure. I'm testing stuff in Tom right now so she can meet him too." She said a bit unsure.
"Alright. Be right there!" Tucker said, leading me into the pink house.
"Hello!" I said as soon as we saw the two people.
"Hey!" Tom said.
"Ey!" Sonja said, not paying any attention to me. "Here. How much does this do?" She asked Tom.
"Nada." He said.
"Hmmmm... Here! (Y/n)! Try this!" Sonja said. She tossed me a gummy bear.
"Thank you!" I said, eating the sweet. Suddenly, my character wasn't able to move. "What..." I heard Sonja laughing.
"Sonj! Why would you do that!" Tucker yelled. Wag was laughing now too.
"What the hell just happened!" I said.
"I just crashed your game!" Sonja said, laughing. I was beyond upset.
"Why would you do that!" Tucker said to Sonja.
"Cause you invited another girl on!" She said 'defensively'.
"No! That's Jordan's new girlfriend!" Tucker said.
"You know what. It's fine." I said sweetly.
"Really?" Tom asked.
"Yep! I'll be back in a minute!" I said. I muted my mic.
"You're gonna get her back. Aren't you?" Jordan asked.
"Oh ya!" I grinned. "Got anything I can use to kill her?" I said.
"Ummmmm.... I have the bow of balance!" He said.
"Alright!" I said. "Let's get her back."
When minecraft finally loaded up again, I went back to the Fortress of Fury to find Jordan. When I found him, he gave me the bow.
"Just please don't die with it. Okay?" I smiled.
"Alright boo!" I quickly ran back to Sonja's house. "Hey guys! I'm back!" I said as if I had just logged back on.
"Welcome!" Tucker said. I smiled when I saw Sonja with her back turned to me. I quickly drew the bow back and with one shot, she was dead. I laughed.
"What the hell!" Sonja said. Tom laughed.
"I think we have a new follower of Dianite!" Tom said. I laughed.
"Nope. Just keeping a bit of balance." I smiled. (It pains me to say that cause I'm a follow of dianite 😭)
"Ha! Well just think about it!" Tom said. I laughed.
"Alright. I might." And with that, I flew back to Jordan's towers. I quickly muted my mic. "Thanks babe. Here's your bow back!"
"Thanks! Now there is someone I need you to meet..."
Okay. Here is a long chapter cause I felt bad for not posting a whole week! I will try to post more often this week, but come Tuesday, I will be home and I will have all the time in the world. I love you guys so much! And thank you for all of the support! Just knowing that if I post I will get comments in minutes is amazing to me! So thank you! Your comments really make my day! So stay absolutely amazing and remember that I love you all sooooooo much!
~Kitty =^-^=
P.s. Thank you for 1.5k reads! I didn't even think this story would get to 100 reads so thank you for the support!!!

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