Charlie and Vaggie day off part 2

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Hey hey hey how y'all doing I am here with another chapter.alastor and lucifer are a little intimate in this chapter
Lucifer woke up with a really bad headache and was hoping he could stay in bed all day today but he had to do something for the hotel because they finally got some guest, so he got up and went down to get meds for his headache and he was ready for the day.

Husk and Angel were at the bar and lucifer walked to them.
"Good morning guys, what do you think we should plan for the hotel today" Lucifer says looking for answers, husk and Angel looked at each other and thought.
"How about a nice spa day , there's a bath house near my work that Val owns and I can get us in for free" Angel said while drinking his margarita, lucifer looked at with with a smile.
"That would be great, the staff and the guests can have a nice relaxing time" Lucifer say happily clapping and cheering with Angel. Alastor walked in and immediately disapproves. " you can all have your fun there I will stay here at the hotel" Alastor says with disgust on his eyes as he would not like seeing random people and especially the staff(cough cough angel cough cough) to see his bare body with a towel around and he would never let anyone massage his body as he hated being touched in anyway that was uncomfortable. Lucifer and Angel looked at him annoyed.
"You coming weather you like it or not" Lucifer says turning alastor into a baby deer again and picked him up.

Lucifer had gathered the staff and the guests and made there way to the bath house.

~~at the bath house ~~
(Alastor is demon now not baby deer anymore)
Alastor was hesitant to walk out to get in the hot pool of water with lucifer ,Angel , husk , and Niffty for some reason she stayed with them
and the guest where in a different bath house room.

Lucifer through a bucket of water to Angel and they laughed playing like little children and as Angel was going to throw water at lucifer he slipped and the water landed on alastor who's fur and hair was now wet. Lucifer was to busy laughing until he saw how alastor looked and he found it somewhat attractive, he slapped himself to get the thought out. Eventually everyone got in the hot pool and relaxed.
"I gotta be honest this feels amazing good idea Angel" husk say with a perrr. Angel and husk where at one end while Lucifer and alastor was at another with some distance from each other, Lucifer was enjoying the silence until Niffty popped out of nowhere and started stabbing near the rim of the hot pool and she got very close to lucifer and lucifer backed up
"Hey wait whoa whoa" Lucifer say backing up fast until Niffty stoped when she did lucifer felt that he had been near somthing fluffy and then his hand had a grip on something long and he squeezed it a bit not know what he was touching until he was hit in the head and almost drowned, he looked up to see an angry alastor.
"What was that for jezz" Lucifer says but then he realized his actions before and connected the dots, he had basically touched alastor dick only having a towel between Lucifers hand and alastors dick.
"What do you think, your majesty" Alastor say angrily, Lucifer gulps he did it again it seemed that he would be the only one to get under alastor skin just like how alastor got under Lucifers skin (soulmate usually copy each other🤭).
"My bad Niffty was just getting very close with that knife I had to back up" Lucifer said pointing at Nifty while she was trying to kill a bug. Alastor almost choked Lucifer before Angel broke them up, the two sat very far away from each other they then Noticed that Angel and husk where leaving to do the duty(wowowo😮‍💨 huskerdust is fire bro), leaving alastor and lucifer Alone basically not counting Niffty. It was very quiet, lucifer moved to alastor.
"Can I ?" Lucifer asked pointing to alastor chest where he was very fluffy, alastor gave him a disgusted no, Lucifer pouted and fired his way to alastor chest making them fight again.

Alastor got out of the pool and lucifer followed as they still where fighting it got slippery as there was water everywhere. Alastor was backing away from lucifer when they both slipped and as they did there towels both fell off of them as they made impact, lucifer on top of alastor.

"Fuck that hurt , wait wow your so fluffy" lucifer says, alastor had anger written on his face as the continued the fight even tho they where both with no towel on, husk and Angel came back and when they saw the the two, alastors hand on Lucifers waist and one of Lucifers arms on alastor shoulder and one on his ear pulling it. Oh and the fact that they where naked completely was funny to the cat and spider
"Wow what a sight didn't know you guys where the type to have savage sex" Angel said and lucifer and alastor looked at the two and then themself and the pose they where in and as soon as the realization hits the two, they separated from each other grabbing there towel and rapping it around there waist again and walked away from the other.
"The sexual tension is amazing its better then the dramas i star in" Angel said while eating popcorn with husk who silently agreed.

~~ message time~~

Lucifer was laying down on one of the messages chairs and was getting oiled up and had the best back message ever known to man all of his stress was gone, alastor on the other hand had the worst experience he hated the way they touched him so the person gave up and alastor just got up and took a shower in one of the spas bathrooms.
Angel was having the best time of his life letting out some small moans and husk perring.

"Wow that was amazing ima go take a shower now" lucifer says as he stretches and head to the shower room and saw that it was only him and Alastor again, alastor saw lucifer and rolled his eyes.(it's one of those shower rooms where it open and there's just shower-head on the wall)

~~back at the hotel~~

They all got back at the hotel, the guest went back to there rooms and Angel and husk when to the bar, alastor when to his room and lucifer when to his own room.

Thank you for reading I made this very special bc I wanted to also please go read the story's made by Radioapple1234

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