Lulu world part 1

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Hey heyyyyy what's good people. Ready for some spicy stuff today

"GOOD MORNING EVERYONE I HOT A SURPRISE" Lucifer yelled for the whole hotel staff and everyone rush over, husk was angry that he was woken up, Angel was happy because he did have a day off so he wouldn't miss it, baggie and Alastor where very neutral about what they heard, Charlie and nifty where crazy happy and Cherri bomb was still a sleep.(I feel like she can sleep thro a bomb)
"I finished all my paper work and I was talking with one of the sins and guess what I have 3 days off so I was thinking what about a free trip to Lulu world I mean I do own it so why not" lucifer explained waiting for there reaction.
"Ya dude no way I thought you had drugs and alcohol we are not kids" Angel said with husk chiming in thinking they would have a cheer day from 'having to be sober' the rule was made by Charlie.
"Do we get to stab thing?"nifty asked.
"Sir not to be rude but don't you think it's kinda dumb to actually do something like that" Vaggie said crossing her arms she never liked amusement parks because the ones in heaven where shitty.lucifers face went a little sad and Charlie was going to say something to help make everyone agree but Alastor spoke first.
"My my I would never had thought you people would be so rude the king of hell, he 1. Cleared his schedule and reminder he is a king so that a lot of risk to taking time off, 2 he has given us a free 3 day trip to his very own park and 3. It's very very important to be kind to the host of an event and this could be a good bonding experience for all of us. So if you don't wanna come you can stay at the hotel and clean all day without a break or come and have fun for 3 days and 2 nights" Alastor explained while giving a threatening look to everyone but Charlie and lucifer. They all rolled there eyes and say 'fine' or 'ok'.

Everyone went to there rooms to pack and lucifer had already pack so he went to Alastor room and knocked, Alastor opened the door.
"Hello your majesty what can I do for you" Alastor says but then lucifer unexpectedly hugged Alastor. Alastor tenses at the touch not being used to it but yet again he did hug lucifer on Friday night.
"Thank you for saying that Alastor"lucifer said while smiling at Alastor, something about that smile give him a feeling of nostalgia just like the one he gave him when he healed his wound from the extermination.
"Your welcome your majesty" Alastor says looking down at the king who was still hugging him.
"Lucifer" lucifer said
"Huh?" Alastor asked while tilting his head.
"Just call me by my name no need for 'his majesty' or 'your majesty' just lucifer ok" lucifer said. Alastor was not given the first name bases with the king of hell and it made his stomach hurt in a way.
"Alright lucifer it is" Alastor said and when lucifer heard his name out of Alastor mouth he blush and I hugged Alastor and laughed off the blush.
"Anyway are you packed Charlie and the others are waiting down stairs I also asked beelzebub to watch the hotel while we are gone so the hotel will be safe"lucifer asked and reassured, Alastor nodded and got 2 bags and walked down with lucifer beside him.

——————At lulu world
The group arrived and the first part they wanted to go to first was the water park, so they all changed into there bathing suits and walked out.
"Omg I haven't been here in forever dad I missed this place" charlie said exitedly
"It's my first time here and damn this is big and it was only a 4 hour drive from the main city" Angel said.
"My my lucifer this place sure looks fun" Alastor said and as he said that everyone was shocked.
"Did you just call my dad by his name" charlie said confused and shocked.
Alastor and lucifer made eye contact and then looked away.
" are you to fucking each other" Angel asked and this made both mama faces red, vaggie smacked Angel dust while Charlie's face was full of shock and confusion.
"Nonono um we're friends right Alastor" lucifer said quickly looking at Alastor for help, Alastor nodded and then Charlie yelp happily.
"Omg I am so happy you two finally got along" charlie said jumping up and down. Lucifer and Alastor laughed at Charlie and why happy she was,they made there way to the wave pool and had a blast and then they all went throw some water slides. Alastor didn't like the water because it would get his hair puffy if he dried it and it made him look weak but Lucifer did not know that.
"Omg your hair is so puffy awww"Lucifer laughed looking at Alastor a hair.
"Shut up Lucifer"Alastor said shoving lucifers face away from him.
Hope this was not to short it only the first part to a 4 part thing and the last part,part 4 is going to be very interesting in a naughty way hehehehe

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