Lulu world part 2

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Part twoooo yayayayya let's go omg school starts soon so I am trying my best to post as many chapters as possible HELP
They had been out at the water park for one whole day and they made way to the hotel at the lulu world.
"Ok everyone is going to pick a stick and that's who you will be sharping a room with ok" Charlie said holding sticks and covering the coloured side. A Charlie and baggie got purple, husk and Angel got orange, nifty and cherri bomb got pink and lucifer and alastor got black.

——with luci and al

As the two enter there room they see there's only one bed and they look at each other and blush a bit.
"So do you wanna share or wanna play rock paper scissors for the bed" lucifer asked and alastor looked at him and said "we can share I have a lot of bad luck from playing rock paper scissors"
Lucifer laughed and made his way to the bathroom it looked so nice and then it hit him this was one of the couple sweets he made a long time ago because Lilith thought it was a good idea and now lucifer and alastor are in one of the many couple sweets. Lucifer walked out and saw alastor near the bed and he saw that we was looking at buttons and lucifer a face went worried.
"Lucifer what are these buttons for" alastor asked as he was about to press one when lucifer tackled him to the bed but the button was pressed as lucifer push alastor on the bed and the lights dimmed with a romantic reddish gold colour and romantic jazz music started play. Lucifer was on top of alastor on the bed while this happened and the gap between there faces was not even a full 2 cm. The blush on there face was as red as a tomato and gold as a first prize medal.
"That um I so I I mean uh fuck"Lucifer tried to explain himself and the room but he couldn't think straight being this close to alastor. Alastor and lucifer just locked eyes on one another and unknowingly there faces inched closer and closer until they started kissing and Lucifer opened his mouth and so did alastor they're tongues are roaming around each other. Lucifer moaned into the kiss and alastor a hands started roaming around Lucifer small body. However the moment was ruined by both the realization of the two man and a knock at the door.
"Oh shit I don't think we should have done that I mean I am married" Lucifer said as I pressed the bottom to stop the music and got off of alastor and fixed his hair as he opened the door to see Charlie. As lucifer and Charlie where talking alastor was sulking and for some reason haveing the urge to just grab lucifer and pull him back to the bed but he respects the man's choice as he is married to stupid Lilith. Lucifer made his way back and saw that alastor had fallen asleep, he smiled while touching his lips.
————-next day—-
Lucifer and alastor wake up spooning each other and when they are fully awake and see the position they where in, lucifer jumped and fell off the bed while alastor was like a deer in headlights but then he went to go help lucifer get up.
"Alastor none of yesterday will be talked about ok" lucifer says getting ready to go to the hotel cafe with the others. Alastor nodded still missing the kings lips.

They all made it to the cafe and started eating breakfast and of course Lucifer got pancakes and alastor just got black coffee and sat down beside lucifer. Angel was having so much fun talking with husk and also having to watch nifty, Charlie and vaggie where like so in love feeding each other. After breakfast they made it back to there room and took showers and then went to roller coasters and alastor was not a fan of then as he was holding onto lucifer.
"Come on alastor it's not that bad" lucifer yelled out of happiness while laughing, alastor looked at him annoyed with his ears down.
"I am not very fond of this thing" Alastor said holding to lucifer for his life (lol idk what I did here). Lucifer laughed the whole type and took alastor to all the rollercoasters in lulu world, did alastor like it no but at least he was with lucifer.

Sosososoososo sorry for this beating short I kinda got ideas and I am saving two for later chapters ok also sorry if there's and spelling mistakes I am dyslexic.

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