Charlie and vaggie day off last part

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Hey hey how y'all doing it's meeeee hehehhe i had to put some chaggie in this bc they are so cute.


it was the morning charlie and veggie was coming back and the first person to wake up was lucifer Morningstar, starting off the day with pancakes and happy go lucky songs sing alongs, the people who woke up very unhappy with this happy morning was alastor the radio demon and husk who had a very big headache.

"You majesty with all do respect can you keep the happiness level to the minimum" husk begged and Alastor agreed. Lucifer ignored them and got even happier.
"MY DAUGHTER IS COMING BACK YAYAYA" lucifer says in a sing along voice.alastor just got his coffee pass one to husk too and walked out the kitchen setting up the hotel for Charlie and vaggie.

"PANCAKES" Nifty and Angel yelled,while Lucifer laughed at them. Alastor and husk didn't eat the pancakes that where given to them.

"Hello alastor ya gotta eat my food" lucifer said looking at alastor who was not eating.
"I am not a fan of sweet thing your majesty" alastor said as he sipped his coffee.Lucifer cut a piece of the pancake and looked at alastor.
"Do I need to chew it up In my mouth for you baby bird" lucifer said in a mocking baby voice, this ticked off alastor.
"Your majesty please watch what you say it can anger someone very easily" alastor said and before he knew it lucifer turned him into a baby deer again and fed him the pancakes,alastor did end up throwing up his breakfast.

—- Charlie and vaggie arrived

"We are hom-" before Charlie could finish what she said she got hugged by her dad. Charlie laughed and hugged back. Lucifer was so happy he didn't see the rings on Charlie and baggies hands.
"Dad I have some news umm me and vaggie got engaged"Charlie announced and as she said this lucifer fainted and alastor looked at Charlie and said "my my dear congratulations on the engagement sorry about your father here" alastor pointed to Lucifers body that was going insane on the floor. Charlie smiled and thanked alastor for his positive response and vaggie also smiled with a blush.
"Alastor could you help my dad not sure if he's breathing or not"Charlie asked and alastor bent down and picked the short king and he shot up so fast.
"He seems like he's breathing" alastor says pointing at the king who is now awake and confused.
"Uh dad I am engaged with vaggie what do you say" Charlie says a little nerves, and yet again lucifer fell backwards but alastor cought him in time.
"Don't you think you should congratulate you daughter and you soon to be daughter in law" alastor said looking down at lucifer face that was a little to close*
"Shut up deer boy"lucifer said and then got up and walked to Charlie and hugged both vaggie and Charlie.
"I am happy for the both of you and um Maggie I mean vaggie welcome to the Morningstar family your gunna love it" lucifer said while smiling.

Everyone had ended up having a fun celebration like drinking playing games and now it came to the final hour of the night where amgel dust was passed out, Charlie and vaggie left to go sleep, Niffty is god knows where and husk is still behind the bar serving alastor and lucifer.
"Ya know alastor now that I am in this hotel there's really no point in you staying here I mean you always stay alone anyways even at this party you stayed here at the bar alone not even talking with the others like I did" Lucifer explained trying to piss off alastor. Alastor laughed and looked down at lucifer who was sitting on a stool.
"Ah your majesty I love your forwardness but I chose to be alone, you on the other hand have been abandoned by multiple group of people, your subjects , you friends, oh and my favourite your family" alastor mocked right back at lucifer. Lucifers amger was growing little by little but he tried to calm himself.
"Your alone because you have no choice to also you are only here now because Charlie didn't have any other choice other then to beg for her daddy's help, she never acutely wanted you help but you where just her last option"alastor says and it seems that he hit lucifer badly with those words because the man looks like he might actually cry.
"Oh is the virgin goat telling ME that I am the last option? How ironic" lucifer said in a sassy tone as he sits up on the bar counter.
"Is that the best insult you have, ha at-least I don't sleep with married woman" Alastor replied back to Lucifers comment.
"I was better then Adam in both looks and in the department downstairs ok pal"lucifer sassed back, alastor laughed.
"Oh but with someone as plain as Adam they saw you and thought of you as a 'new toy' your not a catch at all "alastor retorted.
"You don't think I am a catch well then maybe I will go back to heaven for a bit and meet you mother and give her a CHILD she actually LOVES, I mean you get up in my daughters business why not extend the family,"lucifer said and then looked at alastor, "oh did I hit a nerve, cat got h ya tongue alastor did mama deer not teach you man-" alastor had pounded lucifer on the bar table almost breaking it.
'That's it ima kill Jim' lucifer thought but then Alastor stopped.
"Watch what you say your majesty or I will bite that tongue of your off"alastor says.
"Oh so I did hit a nerve just so you know you the one that made it personal in the first place"lucifer said sticking out his tongue, " also you should quite down we don't wanna wake up Angel and vaggie and Charlie". Husk had seen everything and was scared shitless, alastor on the other hand just disappeared.

"C-c-coward" Lucifer beat boxed. He later on went to his room and fell asleep.

Omg this took my life away from me I swear wtf also was a little inspired by a comic I saw so ya

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