Chapter Six

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Over the next few months, Klaus observed Ben's improvement on working with his tentacles. Ben was finally able to make things move on his own and was starting to push things with his tentacles. It made Klaus ecstatic and he congratulated Ben on his improvement. Ben smiled in return, his own depressed nature becoming happier in general.

Five started observing the Ben he had seen as a ghost, the Ben before he disappeared, and the Ben currently sitting with a wife and son. He actually couldn't believe he hadn't noticed Ben was depressed—he really put his own want to be to time travel in the way of noticing Ben's depression—or even that Klaus didn't actually use drugs and his "training" seemed worse than the rest. It seemed the others were coming to that conclusion too.

On September 1st, 2008, Ben walked into Klaus' room to see Klaus celebrating while holding a letter. "We're getting out of here in a month," Klaus said with wide eyes, managing to actually grab Ben by the shoulders and shoved the letter in his face. To anybody else they would've thought it weird seeing the floating paper, they wouldn't see Ben's wide eyes as he saw the words 'We'll see you and Seafood in a month—Cosmina & Lila.'

"That makes you Mrs. Seafood," Ben said to Lila.

"Valentine's Day seafood—what would that be? I hyphenated so it would be that," Lila thought.

"You're crabby and Oliver is the shrimp," Sloane said.

"Ooo good one," Cosmina agreed.

Ben stared at the letter in shock while Klaus was still jumping around celebrating like a child on a sugar rush, but still being quiet so he didn't attract Reginald, Grace, or Pogo's attention. Ben knew the one thing preventing the two from showing up was him; he needed to work with his tentacles. He didn't know why the three of them wanted him to work with them, he knew Klaus had a plan, but surprisingly he was good at keeping secrets as he has learned.

The siblings voiced their agreement.

Ben felt...accomplished. He wasn't rushed into learning, he could see Klaus' desperation to leave this place, but he never rushed Ben to work with the being in his stomach like Reginald did. Klaus would give him advice and so would Cosmina and Lila, and he followed that advice. The three knew what they were talking about, Reginald did not. "Why do they call me Seafood?" he suddenly asked.

"They wanted to call you Kraken but that's Diego, so you're stuck with Seafood," Klaus said. There had also been a debate on Hydra, but they were Marvel fans, it wasn't going to happen.

"Nope." Cosmina and Lila agreed.

"You would make more sense as Kraken though," Diego told Ben.

The day before their birthday, Ben had noticed the envelope that would Klaus' and sometimes his own letter was a bit thicker that time. He pointed it out to Klaus, but he simply just smiles and says nothing. Well, Klaus couldn't actually say anything, everyone else was also out there. Klaus was keeping up his act of being high and would just be staring dreamily at everything but Diego went over to talk to him eventually. The two were making idle chit chat when Klaus randomly says, "I'm dropping something off in Vanya's and your rooms during the glitch, please don't throw a knife at me, those don't feel good," Diego just looks at him surprised and a bit worried, but nods. He knew Klaus would know what a stabbing felt like, but he was worried about Reginald catching him.

"What do you want to do when you get out of here?" Klaus asks Diego.

Diego's eyes widen seeing the whole thing that led up to his escape from the academy—even if it was to a different academy. Eudora looked surprised before she remembered Diego telling her Klaus knew their boss and let Diego in as a favor as long as he treated Diego like the others.

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