Chapter Seven

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"If you want to know how Ben's alive..." Cosmina trailed off motioning to the screen. Sloane looked interested as she had heard the reason why but never seen it. The others looked more interested at that moment as it's the main question they had.

Lila had driven them back to her and Mina's apartment. "Ben wants to know why Lila demanded to drive," Klaus spoke up knowing Lila wasn't using her ability.

"She get's visions and she's high," Lila bluntly replied.

"Oh, perfect for you then," Ben sassed Klaus. The medium flipped him off in return.

When they pulled up to the building and entered the apartment, Klaus made Ben go walk around and explore, "I like the aesthetic," he comments, "Very colorful," he says, waving a hand around the place. The living room was very colorful. The walls may have been white, but one side of the living room contained rugs with different patterns on it. There was a make shift sofa, something the sisters may have just put together made of different patterned cushions and pillows. The sofa didn't raise up from the floor, it was on the ground. There were maroon thick curtains on the window, a handmade chandelier hanging from the ceiling and two coffee tables containing plants. The other side of the living, the part next to the kitchen had dream catchers and hanging plants. There was a small couch over there with even more colorful pillows. For two women constantly dressed in black from what he can tell, he was surprised it was this colorful.

"It took a bit to get use to the couch not having legs or just being on the floor in general, but it became one of my favorite things," Sloane comments.

"Same," Ben said. Klaus and Cosmina smile at them. The couch was flat because of them and they felt bad the others would drop so far down just to sit on a couch.

"Pretty sure she bought all of it while high," Lila comments.

"You bought some to while high too, so shut it," Mina argued.

"He's out of the room," Klaus whispered.

"Okay, we'll get you settled in, then we'll start during the glitch," Lila planned out, but then looked at her sister, "We're still good to do it tonight?"

Mina's vision seemed far away as she saw them arriving at the Umbrella academy and successfully executing there plan. She snapped out of her vision and nodded. All three of them shared an excited smile and quickly hid it when Klaus did, signaling Ben came back in. "Well, I'm napping, Klausy can join," Cosmina said, Klaus springing up from his position on the couch and running after.

Ben watched the two leave, wondering if they were actually going to sleep, "What are you planning?" he asked, meaning to keep it to himself, but he forgot that somehow the other woman could see him, "It's a surprise for you, wouldn't want to ruin the surprise," she said. She stood up, gave him a smile, "I'm taking a nap too. I would recommend not using too much energy," she said, walking back to another room.

"Good thing I listened," Ben comments.

Ben decided to explore some more, he was careful not to touch anything. He wondered more about what Lila and Cosmina could do. He found two sets of tarot cards, one obviously had been used but very well kept, and the other seemed to not be used as much. The sister had a LOT of candles and oils. He found pain medication addressed to Cosmina Valentine. 'Why does she need pain medication?' he thought. He looked closer and saw they were for headaches.

Klaus, Ben, Lila, Cosmina, and Sloane reminisced on how the house used to look. They had to move the candles further up so the children didn't get to it. They now had a medicine cabinet for pain medication for all of them. Lila's tarot cards now had more use in them especially when she covered for Cosmina when she was pregnant.

Ben explored the kitchen , the walls were a burnt orange in there. There were tiled walls and floors, giving it a bit of a rustic feel. He could see teal accents such as the dishwasher, the table and the refrigerator all being that color. There was a room that led to outside, maybe a sun room? It had another patterned rug and more patterned pillows. Ben came to the conclusion that the sisters liked patterned things, but somehow it's not busy. He went into one of the bedrooms and found out it was Cosmina's room. She was asleep in there and so was Klaus. It was honestly the most peaceful he's seen him sleep.

Diego had a small smile on his face, as someone who's also seen Klaus sleep, he agreed with Ben's statement. That was a peaceful Klaus Hargreeves.

Klaus had his arms around Cosmina as he laid across her chest, asleep. Cosmina's room had more of the supplies he had seen out in the living room with the addition of some books and journals. His one main question was why the mattress was on the floor.

"It'll be answered," Cosmina said.

The next room he went in, he spotted a white room with more plants and it contained Lila. Ben now assumed the patterns must be from Cosmina. The next room was empty and it had another handmade chandelier. It had a wooden detail on the wall the bed was against. The bed itself was black and brown and there were white rugs in there. He would have assumed this was Klaus' room, but the fact that he knew Cosmina's room was more Klaus' style and had a feeling Cosmina would know that, made him assume otherwise. The other thing was the gold star pillow sitting on the bed, reminding him of the 'Seafood' nickname he was given.

Now, after some renovating. Klaus and Cosmina had a bigger bedroom with more storage for their supplies (of course locked up so Luna couldn't get in it) and they still had a mattress on the floor, but it was rose a little bit with extra cushion on the side. Eventually they had wanted the mattress a bit more up, but feared they would hurt themselves waking up from a vision, so that was their solution.

Confused, he sat on the bed. He didn't know why, but he actually felt tired. While he did like to sleep as a ghost, he's never felt tired. He leaned back on the bed and after a few minutes, he fell asleep. He was asleep for long enough that he didn't notice Klaus, Lila, and Cosmina walk out of the apartment, carrying three shovels, and three thermos' full of coffee. Ben startled when he felt a tug, it was as if he was being pulled against his control. It reminded him of when Klaus had summoned him, but that time he had immediately went, this time he was fighting it because he didn't know why he was being summoned. He couldn't fight it anymore and let himself be pulled. Then he was cold, very cold, and dirty. He gasped awake, eyes opening wide seeing Klaus, Cosmina, and Lila standing above him.

"Don't even question it. I'm sure you'll see it from our point of view," Lila said before they could be questioned yet again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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