Chapter 22

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Millie pov :

Me and Levi are just cuddling on the couch when I get the idea to ring Maisie and say goodnight before I see her tomorrow for her game, she pick up on the 2nd ring.

* I'm not gonna repeat the full phone call as it's *
    In the last part

After speaking with Maisie on the phone I abruptly sit up making Levi jump himself .

Levi : babe what up
Millie : it's Maisie she going into a foster home
Levi : what ? Why ? I thought she was staying with Charlie and their family
Millie : she was but they've had a big fall out so she's asked to be put in a foster home but over my dead body is she going their I need to ring the social worker and tell her that she staying with us weather she likes it or not * says really fast and is on the verge of tears sick with worry *
Levi : babe calm down , deep breaths for me your working your self up
Millie : I can't I've got things to do
Levi : Millie , I'm being serious take some deep breaths everything will be ok
Millie : I'm so scared to lose her again
Levi : you won't but sit back down and calm down then you can ring the social worker and we'll go and get Maisie
Millie : ok * takes some deep breaths *
Levi  : there you go , it will all work out in the end it always does
Millie : thankyou I love you
* hugs Levi *
Levi : I love you to now ring the social worker and we can go and pick Maisie up I'll go and sort the spare bedroom out
Millie : * smiles and kisses Levi *

After I watch Levi walk up stairs to go get the spare bedroom ready I take a moment to just think about everything this will be the first time that I have my daughter staying with me since she was around 3 months old, I feel sick with anxiety but I have to push that aside and be there for Maisie like I said a I would. After a minute of thinking I bite the bullet and ring the social worker whom picks up the phone on the last ring.

Social worker : hi Millie, is everything ok I'm just about to pick Maisie up
Millie : no she's not going into foster care she can stay with me
Social worker : I'm sorry Millie but I don't think I can do that l, you and Levi haven't been checked neither has your house I'm afraid
Millie : check them now their is no way that my baby girl is going into foster care
Social worker : I'm sorry Millie but if I let her stay with you I could get fired
Millie : listen, ring whom ever you have to ring to get my daughter staying with me tonight because their is no way that she going into foster care when I can stop it
Social worker : I'll speak to my boss and see if we can get you checked tonight
Millie : good
Social worker : I'll ring u back soon

* end of phone call *

I'm sat with my head in my hand tears running down my cheeks when Levi walks back down the stairs.

Levi : babe is everything ok I heard you shouting
Millie : she might not be able to stay with us
Levi : why
Millie : because our house hasn't been checked and neither have we
Levi : so what's happening now
Millie : the social worker is going to ring her boss I think and see if we can be checked tonight so that Maisie can come home
Levi : how are you feeling
Millie : i don't want to talk about my feelings Levi
Levi : ok but you know it's important to talk about them, building up your feeling will make things a hundred times worse
Millie : I know I will soon I just need to process everything
Levi : ok babe

Just then my phone ring with the social workers name at the top my hands are shaking when I pick it up I finally managed to answer it on the last ring.

Social worker : hello Millie so we are doing the checks on you and Levi right now and someone is on their way to do a house check then you can pick Maisie up for mr and mrs Leigh's house is that ok you will have to sign a few things to say that you and Levi agree to being temporary foster parent of Maisie then after court has happened you can adopt her fully
Millie : perfect thankyou
Social worker : no problem bye
Millie : bye

Tears run like hot track down my cheeks, as I start sobbing Levi pull me into his chest cuddling me tightly.

Levi : she coming home where she should have been in the first place it's a good thing
Millie : I know, im so lucky she even gave me another chance
Levi : because she loves you so much
Millie : I'm so scared but excited at the same time
Levi : that's ok but why don't you ring Maisie and tell her so she's not worried and wonder where she is staying tonight
Millie : ok

Me and Levi separated from the hug, him going into the kitchen to make us both a coffee and me staying in the living room to ring Maisie.

Millie : hi darling I have good news
Maisie : what is it
Millie : your staying with me from now on
Maisie : what fully
Millie : practically yeah but not fully fully until after court me and Levi are just waiting for the house to be checked then we are going to come and get you
Maisie : ok
Millie : right princess someone has just knocked at the door so I'm going to have to go but I love you so much sweetheart I'll see you soon bye
Maisie : bye


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