Dorsal plates then slice through the water and begin to glow a blue-green.
We flash to to a city battle. A short grey monster clambers on to the one with the dorsal plates and bites into his arm.
Isabel: What do you call him?
We see another Monster with massive arms and shoulder holes stop the one with the Dorsal plates. The one with the dorsal plates quickly retaliates with its barbed tail being swung to the arm of the large armed titan.
Dr. Russell: We call him...
We see a T Rex Like Monster with wave shaped dorsal plates dig out of the ground under the dorsal plated one, which proceeds to throw the T. rex monster into a building.
Dr. Russell: Godzilla.
Godzilla then rises up from the ground charging his atomic breath, and when he shoots it, the screen turns the color of the atomic breath, and the title fades in.
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