The Brawler

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Throughout the entire meeting, I kept feeling his eyes on me. I leaned over and whispered to Liz, asking who the tall, shirtless despite the weather, muscular guy was with the scar across his face. 

"Kakucho Hitto, although, that's obviously not his last name. Nobody knows his last name. He's Izana's right hand man and the head of the four heavenly kings, which are Mocchi, the Haitani brothers, and Shion." She whispered back, informing me about the gang's dynamics. 

"He keeps looking over at me, how old is he? He looks like a grown man to be real..." I whispered back. She let out a small chuckle while covering her mouth and stifling it.

"I think he's around sixteen, maybe? I'm not sure. I know he's roughly our age and works out a shit ton. That's why he's so big. Also, they call him the brawler  for a reason." She looked at me and smirked.  

"Why's that?" I said as I glanced back over to him. He had his arms crossed, scanning the room before his eyes landed on mine again. 

"He's only second to Izana when it comes to fighting. He's the best of the best and infamous for being strong enough to knock guys out with one single punch." I was amazed at what she said. I wondered if he was stronger than Mikey. 

"He keeps staring at me, I don't know whether to be worried or creeped out." I stated while looking at Liz, who was staring at Shion while he was reporting something to Izana. 

"Don't be worried. Kakucho won't bother you as long as you don't bother him. If I were you, I'd be honored to even have his attention or a lick of Izana's, they pay no mind to anybody else but themselves." I looked down at the floor and shrugged my shoulders, trying not to meet his gaze again. 

Soon enough, the meeting was over and everybody started to disburse. I went to look for Rindou since the medicine was starting to wear off and I wasn't feeling too well. I couldn't find him at all in the crowd, so I walked outside and waited for him to come find me. 

As I waited, I noticed Kakucho walk out and to his bike that I just so happened to be standing by. He looked down at me; a slightly soft expression on his face. I looked up at him and noticed that we were only a few feet apart. It was then that I heard him speak. 

A deep, husky voice erupted from him with a simple, "Hey." 

"Hi," I replied, trying not to sound weird, "I uh, I'm Valerie." I stuttered and slowly stuck my hand out for him to shake. He took my hand in his and I noticed how rough and calloused his hands were. Also, they were huge. This man was giant compared to me. He had to of been about five foot ten and weighed maybe two hundred pounds with pure muscle. 

"Kakucho," He said with a straight face, "May I ask what you're doing here?" 

"I came with Rindou Haitani..." I said, nearly shaking in my boots. I didn't want to get Rindou in trouble for bringing me. "I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to be here, it's a complicated matter." 

Without warning, he stepped closer to me. I didn't step back, however, I did start to cough. I quickly covered my mouth with my elbow. 

"Are you sick?" He asked, tilting his head. Now I was embarrassed. 

"Uhm, yeah I'm kind of getting over the flu... the meds are wearing off and I'm starting to feel bad again." I coughed again. 

"Do you have a way home?" He stepped closer again. Now we were approximately a foot apart and I could make his face out better. His scar ran from the top of his head all the way to the corner of his eye which was white while the other was a reddish brown color. I was instantly in awe at his features. Strong jawline, high cheekbones, heterochromatic eyes... 

To me, he was insanely handsome. 

"I was supposed to ride back with Rindou but I have no idea where he is or what he's doing." I said while looking around and crossing my arms. I was freezing my ass off and I did not feel good at all. I was getting annoyed with Rindou. 

"I can either go find him for you, or, I can take you home myself." He offered. I looked down at the ground, feeling bad for wanting to accept the ride from Kakucho. Liz had made it out to seem as if he was  trustworthy guy anyways, so I didn't see the harm in it. I was getting even more annoyed and impatient when I saw Rindou walk out with Zoe and his brother while laughing, a drink in his hand. Seriously? He's drinking right now? Where the hell did he even get that from? 

"I'll take the ride home from you, if that's okay?" I looked up at him with a pissed off expression on my face. He didn't say anything but got on his bike and started the engine. I climbed on back and held on to the strap. 

"Strap isn't safe, hold on to me." He turned his head and stated. I wrapped my arms around his torso and he slowly back out, making sure to rev his engine before taking off across the parking lot. I looked to my right to see Rindou standing there, drink in hand, with his mouth agape. I gave him a dirty look as I turned to face Kakucho's back. I heard Zoe yell my name but I ignored her. 

Kakucho got on the interstate and drove carefully; kind of like Baji did when I rode with him. He didn't go above the speed limit, nor did he weave in and out of traffic. I made a note to myself to stop accepting rides home from people I don't know and to stop riding with people in general. I have my own fucking bike, and I will be taking it where ever from now on. 

It wasn't long after that we had pulled in my driveway. I climbed off the bike and turned to Kakucho, who was still sitting down with the engine idling. 

"Would you like to come in and warm up for a minute?" I asked on a whim, thinking he was cold and I could offer him some warm food, drink, or even gas money for the kind gesture. 

"Sure." He shut the engine off and we walked inside. 

My phone buzzed. It was Rindou. 

Rin: You left with Kakucho? Why? I was coming to get you. 

I didn't reply. 

Rin: Valerie, I'm sorry. I got caught up talking and forgot that you were sick. Please, forgive me. 

I still didn't reply as I shut my phone off and laid it on the counter. Kakucho had already sat at the bar and made himself at home. My only focus now was to get to know him. 

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