21 New Messages

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My account was flood with messages from numerous people - some asking how I was doing, some asking where I had been, and some asking why I wasn't responding. I decided to look through my requests and found that Ran had sent me a friend request first, while Rindou had sent me one a few days ago. I accepted both, of course, and looked at their profiles. 

Nothing particularly interesting on Ran's, but Rindou was apparently a DJ. I played some of his mixes out loud and they actually sounded amazing. I was intrigued. As I stalked, I found old videos of parties they would throw and pictures of himself wearing the nicest clothing, similar to what Ran posted. I could tell just by looking at them, they were rich. I didn't even notice Zoe laying next to me, stalking with me, when she spoke. 

"Yeah they're like, really rich. They have their own place and everything. It's sick." She sounded like she knew so much about them already. I laughed and went to shut my computer when I heard a ding. I opened it all the way up, expecting it to be another random person messaging me.

Rindou: Ya know, I figured you would call me once you got to feeling a little better, or maybe, I thought you would've called just to talk since you were having a rough time... I hope you're doing better. I'm still here for you even though we don't really know each other. 

Truth be told, I fucking forgot I even had his number on the back of a receipt paper. I started to type a response but he started typing again. 

Rindou: I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what happened on Halloween. You've been on my mind recently and I figured I would at least check on you.

Me: Thank you for checking on me, I completely forgot that I had your number to be honest. I'm incredibly thankful that you and your brother were nice enough to go out of your way to take us home and get us food.   

Rindou: You're welcome. I'd rather you text me instead of us talking on here. Although I have my own computer, my brother likes to snoop through my stuff. Can I have your number?

I smiled and sent him my number. Not long after, he texted me. 

Rin: Hey!

Me: Hi :-)

Rin: What are you up to?

Me: Sitting here with Zoe, just curious, what kind of phone do you have? You type fast. lol

Rin: A Blackberry with a full keyboard, lol 

They really were rich, my God. I had a slide up keyboard on my phone but it was nowhere near as expensive as a Blackberry. I didn't notice that I had made that comment out loud because Zoe had started laughing. 

"Yeah I told you, loaded. Besides their bikes, they also drive BMW's" She said as she continued to text Ran back. My phone buzzed again. 

Rin: What do you like to do? Tell me all about yourself. :)

I replied with things that I liked to do and things about myself that I wouldn't mind him knowing at the moment. He seemed really sweet and nice, but after what happened, I don't see myself getting too close with another guy just yet. Rindou replied with things he likes to do such as muscle training and listening to music. Since I'm really into music, this intrigued me. 

Rin: Could you send me a picture of yourself? I want to see you! 

I was stumped at his text. I showed Zoe and she practically screamed in excitement. 

"Send him one!" She smiled eagerly. I obeyed and decided to send him one from my camera roll that I had downloaded from my computer. It was a picture of me standing in the mirror with a digital camera wearing low rise baggy jeans and a dropped tank top with a flannel around my waist. Although my entire mid drift was showing, I felt confident. I sent the picture and he quickly replied afterwards. 

Rin: Stunning. ;) 

Smiling at his comment, I couldn't help but to think of Keisuke. Although, the only time Keisuke called me beautiful was when he was crying, it still meant a lot to me. I felt a strange feeling welling up in my stomach, it was almost like butterflies, but different. 

"Ask him for one back!" Zoe exclaimed, trying to get me more involved with Rindou. I built up the courage to ask for one back and boy, did I receive. 

It was a picture of him standing shirtless, tattoo exposed, with grey sweat pants on in a mirror. My heart started to beat up faster at the sight of him. I felt guilty, I had never thought of Baji this way. Of course, I loved Baji and it was romantic, but never like this. The feelings I felt for Baji were deep, almost like a slow burn, and I was emotionally attached to him. However, I never imaged myself getting worked up over another guy. I decided that I better reply. 

"Zoe, I don't know what to say to him. I want to compliment him back, but I'm unsure-" She cut me off. 

"Just tell him that he's hot or sexy, guys like that." She smirked. I went with what she said since she had more experience with guys than I did. 

Me: Damn. You're hot...

Rin: Like what you see? 

Me: ABSolutely! ;)

I laughed to myself as my little joke I made. Hopefully, he'll get it.  

Rin: So you like my abs, huh? ;)

I blushed at his text and once again didn't quite know how to respond. Baji never really flirted with me like this. I felt guilty though, Baji had only been gone for three months and I was already flirting with another guy. I replied still, intrigued and fascinated by him. 

Me: Yeah... I do. A lot. ;)

Rin: See them in person, then we'll talk. ;) 

Me: When will I see you? 

Rin: Whenever you want to, cutie. 

Cutie? Where did that come from? Now he's calling me sweet nicknames. My phone buzzed again. 

Rin: How about tomorrow? We can meet at our favorite store in Roppongi. I can treat you to a nice lunch and go shopping. 

Me: Sounds like a plan. :) 

Friday nights were always fun with Zoe. She managed to always find us something to do even when we weren't allowed to drink anymore or even step foot out of the door. My mother had to work, of course, so we were home alone. Doing stupid girl things, we decided to do our make-up and take new photos for social media. 

As soon as I posted a really hot selfie of us in the mirror, Rindou liked it. 

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