Chapter 5

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The mountains on the Gelyn and Carthyan border was colder than expected. Alexius wrapped her coat around herself and hoped that Dawn thick fur would be enough to keep him warm. The strangest thing was that her father hadn't shivered once to the cold. "Dad, it's getting late. We should make camp somewhere and start a fire before it gets colder. Jaron stayed quiet and continued on. "Dad, Father, hello?" Alexius asked, she had begun to get annoyed, why was he ignoring her. Alexius rode to beside him and yelled, "JARON!" which snapped him back into focus. "Are you okay?" Alexius asked. Jaron nodded, "I was just thinking back to something, lets make camp here."

Alexius pulled out a piece of bread she had and quickly ate it. She was extremely tired and was ready for some sleep. She hadn't gotten any since the night before she left. Jaron walked over to her and gave her his blanket. "What are you doing?" Alexius asked. "You need sleep, I'll keep watch since were in the middle of nowhere. I'll be fine, I have the fire" Jaron explained. Alexius stared at him, wanting to argue, but she new that she would loose the argument. She sighed and made her a comfortable spot to sleep in. Alexius didn't expect the sleep to take her as quickly as it did. She was full of worry about Cyrus and it exhausted her.

"Alexius, get up and grabbed your sword," Jaron hissed in a low tone. Alexius rubbed her eyes, still drowsy with sleep. Once she realized that Jaron had his sword out and was preparing for an attack, she immediately jumped up and prepared herself for an attack. "Did you see someone?" Alexius asked. Jaron nodded, "I saw the reflection of a sword because of the fire. Then someone moved further back and wasn't very quiet about it." Alexius scanned the area from what she could see, it was still very dark and the fire wasn't of much help. There was probably a group of five people surrounding them. "We know your there, come out now or meet your fate," Jaron warned. 

Within a second, a group of four bulk men jumped out and began to attack. This wouldn't be too bad. Jaron quickly took down the first one that came after him and the next within a couple of swips of his sword. One charged for Alexius and swung a sword that was about the size of her. Alexius held out the broad side of her sword to dodge it. "Dad! I need help!" Alexius cried. The man was obviously ten times her size and strength. He was easily overpowering her with his sword. Jaron immediately took down who he was fighting and ran towards Alexius's attacker. He hit him on the back of the man's calf. The man groand and turned to face Jaron. He held his sword up to swing it towards her father, but Jaron was smaller than him, so he had the advantage of speed. Jaron quickled dodge and sliced the man on the back of his neck and the man fell to the ground. 

"Thanks dad," Alexius said, giving Jaron a hug. "Are you okay, your not hurt?" Jaron studied her to make sure nothing had happened. "I'm fine," Alexius confirmed. Jaron smiled warmly and then looked around them at the men who laid dead on the floor. Then a girl about Alexius hight walked out from the shadow, clapping. "Well done, I was not expecting that," She said. Jaron glared at her, "so your the one behind this attack!" She paused and then nodded, "I guess you could say that. To be honest, I'm just following orders." She took off her hood to reveal snow white hair and icy blue eyes. Her skin was very pale too, she looked like she was snow. 

"Boys, nock them out," she said. Alexius then felt someone knock her on the head with the broad side of their sword and she fell to the ground, then everything faded to black as she lost feeling in her body.

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