Chapter 6

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 When Alexius  awoke, her whole body ached. She rubbed her eyes a saw that she was in a cellar. She looked behind her and Jaron was chained up. Alexius stood up on her feet and ran towards her father. "Oh no, are you okay?" Alexius asked, scanning her father for an injuries. The room they were in was very dark, besides the one bit of candle light outside of the cellar. They were surround by rock and the only thing that wasn't rock was the barred door. "I'm okay, how about you?" Jaron asked. "Just a little sore," Alexius said and then pulled out a hair pin she always kept on her in case she was thrown into chains. She unlocked the chains on Jaron's wrist that were keeping him standing. "Thanks," Jaron said as he rubbed his wrist, the chains had already begun to dig into his flesh. 

"So Mr. 'I can escape anything,' how do you plan on getting out?" Alexius asked, folding her arms. Jaron walked over towards the cellar door and looked around from what he could see. "It looks like no vigils, that's odd," Jaron noted. "It could be a trap, maybe they want us to try and escape," Alexius said. Jaron sighed, "your not wrong, but what then what do you want to do then?" Alexius paused, uncertain how to respond, but then she heard footsteps approaching. Alexius could tell that her father heard them too. The girl they had see early, which Alexius nicknamed 'Snow white,' appeared followed by two bulky men. "Ha! Your awake now, I wondered how long you would be out for?" She laughed. Alexius glared at her, she wanted to shove her into a wall or something. "Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Eira! Our king currently isn't here, nor is our prince, but he'll be home any day now. So in the mean time, I'm in charge," Eira explained, Alexius didn't care to much about what she was saying though.

"So, who are you two and why are you tresspassing in our territory?" Eira hissed. Alexius and Jaron gave each other side glances. "I'm Sage and this is my daughter...Aria," Jaron lied, well sorta, it was true that I was his daughter. "We were trying to find a friend, they sent us a letter telling us to come here," Alexius explained. Eira's eyes fluttered and she began to study them closely, "you look familiar and the sword you were carrying belongs to the Ascendant King of Carthya, Jaron. You also have very similar features to the king." Eira was getting close to the truth and it was beginning to make Alexius uneasy, but Jaron showed no sign of it, he was a surprisingly good actor. "Well, if you are we'll know sooner or later. Oh! I could threaten your little girl, you would tell the truth if I hurt her!" Eira said and Jaron began to show anger. "You touch her and I'll make sure you'll regret it!" Jaron hissed. Eira smirked, and then clapped her hands. 

The cellar door opened and one of the bulky men entered and reached for Alexius's arm, but Jaron jumped in his way and punched him. The man growled in pain and lunged for Jaron with his sword. "Stop!" Eira commanded and the man huffed, then walked away. "That's not what you were supposed to do Cain, you know what, forget it. I'll get someone else to get them to talk," Eira said, walking away. Alexius and Jaron now stood in silence. "We should figure out a way to get out before they come back," Jaron hissed. Alexius nodded, but then someone appeared in front of their cellar door. "I'll be guarding you from now on," he grumbled. "The devils just love playing games!" Jaron cursed.

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