Chapter 7

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Alexius was unsure what time or day it was, there was no way to tell since there was no window to the outside. Alexius and Jaron and been exchanging ideas to get out, but most ended in a way that they would likely get caught. Alexius began to wonder if Cyrus was here too, she thought about asking Eira the next time she showed up, maybe she would at least tell her if she has seen him. Alexius also wondered who this 'prince' and 'king' was or where they were even at in the first place. There was so many questions that buzed in her head that she had't even noticed that someone walked into their cellar. He was tall and thin, but seemed to be in his late fifty's. His hair was white and he and a scar over his left eye, leaving it blind. He was wearing a long black coat that covered most his body. 

"Not very pleased to meet you, my name is Azrael," he grumbled. Alexius and Jaron exchanged looks, uncertain of what he was here to do, most likey the person Eira was going to bring in to get us to talk. A chair was brought in a Azrael took a seat in front of them and he then pulled out a knife. "Sage, this girl is your daughter, correct?" Azrael asked, waving his knife at both of them. Jaron paused and then nodded. Azrael sighed as if he was bored or tired. "Okay, it's simple. You tell us the truth and I won't kill your daughter," Azrael said with a smiled. Jaron went to stand up, but on of the vigils kicked him down to his knees and help him down, they did the same to Alexius. "I already told you the truth! My name is Sage and this is my daughter, Aria!" Jaron argued. Azrael rolled his eyes, "Tell me everything about your life, including your full name." 

"My name is Sage Arlock, I live in Drylliad and was born there too. There I married a noble girl named Sofia Lynch, a few years later we had Aria. I work as a merchant and I sell many sort of things all across Carthya's surrounding kingdoms," Jaron lied within a second. Alexius was a bit taken aback to see how quickly he came up with a fake life. "What about you, miss Aria? How old are you and what do you do?" Azrael asked, now pointing his knife at me. "Um, I'm Aria Arlock and I work as a taylor's apprentice, I'll be seventeen is three days," Alexius said. Azrael, who was leaning forward to get a closer look at her, leaned back in his chair. "Your both lying, kill the girl," Azrael said with a wave of his hand. The man holding Alexius down grinned and pulled out a knife. "Okay, fine! I'll tell the truth!" Jaron yelled, he obviously wanted to fight, but the man holding him down was twice his size. "Dad, no!" Alexius cried. 

Jaron sighed, avoiding Alexius's glare. He didn't want to admit defeat like this already, but he had no other choice. "it's all because I'm so weak and useless," Alexius hissed under her breath. "I'm King Jaron of Carthya, is that what you want to hear?" Jaron hissed. Azrael's eyes lit up, "I wasn't exactly expecting that, but this is way better." Azrael stood up and left the room. Alexius felt panic beginning to rise inside of her. The two vigils followed after Azrael  and one kicked Jaron before he left the room. Jaron green eyes were full of rage, but they had chained Jaron back up before they left. Alexius breathing heavily and tried to calm down by thinking about what she would do on her birthday, probably boring stuff if she was being honest to herself. 

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