I'm sorry I'm so selfish

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Nicole and Jecka both sighed, Nicole grabbed her bag while Jecka paused realising she left her shit at hers. "Nicole, we need to go to mines to get my bag" She said fixing her hair "Fuck your bag" The brown-haired girl stated, walking in the semi warm place. Jecka sighed annoyed by Nicole's words but followed her to school. "I got a message from my mom" The blondie said, "Saying what?" Nicole responded back with while trying to put her hoodie on. "Where are you? I went to your room, and you weren't there? You better not be at some boy's house or I'm going to tattoo you" Nicole looked at Jecka with the most 'what the fuck?' face ever "I'm pretty sure that's abuse" They weren't that far away from school now. They could see it "What are you going to say?" She questioned seeing Jecka typing something "I just went over to Nicole's house" Jecka said still looking at her phone; while walking across the road Jecka wasn't paying attention she nearly was hit by a car if it wasn't for Nicole grabbing her wrist and pulling her forward. "Oh, shit thanks Nicole" Nicole didn't say anything to it.

Nicole was caught up in her own head, thinking about the photo and video. It was unlike Nicole to be quiet she was the loudest out of everyone she knew. When they got to school, she realised it was art. "Want to head to the bathroom for art?" Jecka said, watching Nicole just look at the ground "Hello, bitch?" Jecka said slapping her shoulder. "Huh?- what are you talking about?" Nicole said looking up from the ground. "Bathroom for art?" Nicole nodded; they got inside the building and walked to the most used bathroom of them all, it's were most people skipped to be fair. "Fucking everyone comes here" Nicole says finally breaking the oddly silent "Come on Nicole" Jecka opened the door to the bathroom and started walking in with Nicole trailing behind her. Jecka decided to check herself out in the mirror while Nicole jumped up and sat on the counter "Why are you being so fucking quiet? Normally you never shut the fuck up" Jecka was still looking at the mirror, she had taken the makeup from Nicole's bag. "Am I not allowed to be quiet" She snarked. "No, it's just not like you" Jecka gave a calm respond probably only half listening.

Jecka had never heard her so quiet before. The blondie was tying her hair up properly "I don't get why you are wearing makeup" Nicole said lifted her feet up to lean her head on while watching Jecka. "So, I get banged by someone as hot as me" Jecka said turning to face Nicole. "Yeah, but I don't get why you are-" She was cut off by the bathroom door opening. When they turned the corner, it was Ari, Emily, Kelly, Megan and shockingly Karen. "Are you two having sex in here or something?" Emily said putting her hand on her hip. "Fuck no" Nicole quickly replied. Nicole looked like she was going to say something but decided not to. Nicole's face did go a bit red and when Emily said that. "Are you sure your face is as red as me when I'm getting banged from behind" Nicole looked at Emily weirdly "I don't know what the fuck to say to that" Ari said. They started talking with each other for ages while Nicole was sat there just thinking. Jecka decided to join Nicole on the counter of sinks and sit next to her "You're making us look like lesbians"

Nicole looked away from Jecka "I don't care" Nicole just grabbed her phone and started looking through it just to make herself look less embarrassed. The brown-haired girl started looking through her camera roll and found a video, this is where she forgot that she was on full blast audio. Confused on what the clip was because she didn't remember taking a video. She clicked on it and loud female moaning was playing which caused the girls to turn to face Nicole "Are you watching porn?" Megan asked with her bitchy tone. "No- well- yeah i was" She said quickly turning off her phone 'How the fuck did I not know that would be a video.' Nicole said. "You looked hot in that" Jecka said whispering to her while the others went back to talking. Nicole didn't say anything to that "Wait why were you watching lesbian porn?" Emily said stopping the conversion with Ari "What the fuck are you talking about" Nicole said lifting her head up. "That was two girls moaning unless you're into some weird threesome shit." Emily spoke up 'Why the fuck is she so curious about what I was watching'

Nicole thought to herself annoyed "Why? You want to know if you have a chance of banging me, because I would never have sex with you. You'll give me STDS" Nicole said, A few of them slightly snickered. "I don't want to have sex with you" Emily simply said. "Good" The rest of the period wasn't that interesting maybe other than Jecka laid her head on Nicole's shoulder. In fact, Nicole didn't even hear the bell until she saw the girls starting to leave. Jecka followed behind the girls "You coming Nicole?" She stopped at the edge of the frame to see Nicole. "Yep" Nicole said grabbing her bag and joining them "Right well see you homos later" Emily said. "Bitch" Jecka muttered. "What was that?" Emily stopped walking and turning around "Nothing" Jecka said smiling. "Fucking bitch" Jecka said to Nicole. "Why are we even going to class it's got nerds like that Japan kid." Nicole said walking into the class, straight away Jeffery came up to Nicole "Nicole! Why don't you be my partner for today!" Jeffery said snorting and smiling at Nicole while ignoring Jecka's existent "Why the fuck would I ever want to be your fucking partner get the fuck out of my way and let me sit the fuck down." Nicole said. "What is going on here Nicole why are you yelling?" The teacher walked up to them. "Nothing." Nicole sat down and Jecka sat with her "You don't even go to this class" Nicole said. "it's not like he's going to notice" She was right the whole class time no one noticed that she wasn't supposed to be in there. Jecka just drew on Nicole's piece of paper to pass the time. They were both excited to have break. 

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