ILYIS pt 2

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'I'm not gay...? I just think women are pretty...but fuck them...I think?' Nicole thought to herself in her room, her room was dark and basically empty. A few posters on her wall most of them were ripped of nearly falling off, a few items of clothing spreaded around the room, like most teenagers, while duvet was barely on the bed. Her cigarette was almost out, she flicked the ashes out the window. She couldn't help but think of Jessica, her classmate. Jecka was a bitch, but a hot one, a one you hate to like. But Nicole doesn't like her, she likes men, right? She always has, she has nothing wrong with gay people, but she knew she was not gay, she just really liked Jecka as a friend though. She was starting to get irritated by all the stuff of her feelings in her head. She never really thought about her feelings or her likeness for others. She turned to her messy bed, looking around, her eyes wondering for where her phone was. She remembered it was in the drawer. She turned her body and walked over to drawer opening it, grabbing her phone and unlocking it.

Nicole debated in her head if she should message her or just leave it be...fuck that! She went to messages, typing but unsure of what to say or how to word it. She kept it simple 'Get your ass outside your house and come over' Sounded a bit threaten but it was normal for Nicole. The few minutes felt like ages for Nicole to be respond. Jecka was quick to reply 'K' She threw her cigarette out the window and laid down on her bed waiting, it didn't take long before she heard a knock on the window. Nicole walked over to the window, she moved her hand up and flipped her off jokily. She opened the window, Jecka grabbed her arm for support. Nicole felt a burn of sensation on her face 'Fuck...why does she have to be so fucking face feels so fucking burnt' She thought quickly pulling away from her grip "Chill, I didn't want to fall girl" Jecka said moving aside Nicole and sitting her bed. She was in small dark blue shorts and a hot pink vest.

Nicole wondered her eyes around Jecka's body, she felt like she was checking her body out. "Fuck, are you enjoying eye fucking me?" She said grabbing a cigarette. "Where the fuck is your lighter?" She said mumbling with the cigarette in her mouth. "Middle drawer" she said bluntly. Jecka was also checking out Nicole in her purple vest, showing her breasts slightly, Jecka was very interested in her cut pink shorts. "Sweet ass" the blondie said taking the cigarette out of her mouth. She sat back down "Sweet tits" the brown-haired girl responded taking the cigarette out the blondies mouth and putting it in her mouth. It tasted like cherry; Nicole got close to her face and blew the smoke into her face. "Asshole" Jecka whispered, her blonde hair getting messy.

'Fuck why does she have to be so hot...maybe she is different? Fuck being gay...or bi? It that okay? Fuck that's gay' During Nicole's thoughts she didn't move her face from Jecka's. Jecka was the one who pulled closer, pulled into Nicole's face. Nicole could taste the sweet cherry. Nicole hated the taste of cherry but god on Jecka it tasted nice. Nicole's hands were placed on Jecka's face, then her neck, then her waist, they were exploring every part of Jecka. She hated how good it felt to be touching her, tasting her. She loved every bit of her, her bitchy personality, her big tits, how she always wanted to skip with Nicole. How she only wanted Nicole, she only ever hung out with Nicole. Nicole always wanted to be around Jecka. Jecka was pushing her down onto the bed. A bit of Nicole's vest was slightly up, Nicole pushed away again "What?" Jecka said confused while sitting on top of her. "Nothing- fuck-" Nicole sat up nearly causing Jecka to fall over'

'Fuck- I want her in my mouth again-' She thought basically grabbing Jecka's face to her and pushed her head closer. During the small make out Jecka managed to smack Nicole's head against the wall on accident, they didn't even take notice to the injury. But her mum heard the smack of her head against the wall. Wondering why her daughter was causing noise, her bed was also squeaking a bit. Nicole had grabbed Jecka by the hips and gently thrown her down on the bed still kissing, they didn't hear the door swing up. Her mother was already mad at her for getting in trouble with the school. "Nicole, what do you think you're doing?"

The two abruptly stopped, Nicole wasn't ashamed to be caught basically face banging her best friend, '...fuck...well at least she knows I won't be getting pregnant anytime soon...' Jecka moved her head to face Nicole's mother, Jecka actually seemed to be a bit threaten by her mother catching them. Nicole got a little scene of her mother's face clearly pissed at her mother. "Nothing..." She responded. Her mother rolled her eyes and looked at both Jecka and then Nicole "Nothing? What do you mean 'Nothing' There's a girl on top of you probably having sex with you!" Her mother yelled. Nicole thought for a second before giving a reply "When we're having sex we'll be sure to break the bed for you" She snickered at her own comment.

She was disgusted by her daughter's words "Well, at least I'm not getting pregnant right?" Her mother sighed and slammed the door, Jecka looked at the door for a few more seconds before turning back towards Nicole "Should I leave?" Jecka whispered closer to Nicole. She moved her head away from Nicole "No- fuck her- it's not like she's going to come back after seeing...'I think I'm something...I don't know if gay...or Bisexual...doesn't fucking matter she's hot...'

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