But maybe I'm so sorry

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They had all gotten ready, they grabbed some money and walked to the mall. Like normal there was hundreds of people there, loads of people their ages yelling and walking. Some older and some younger. "We're should we go first?" They didn't really have a plan on what they should do when they get there. "Uh? I don't fucking know- cd store I guess?" Nicole said looking at the girls faces. "Nicole, are we fucking 40-year-old sad child touchers? Why the fuck would you choose the CD store?" Jecka laughed walking into the mall. They mostly walked around the mall and looked around chatting about random shit. "Shit I want to go there" Emily pointed "Fuck not that place is for sad fucks" Nicole said. "Fine then me and Ari can go there, and you and Jecka can go somewhere else and message me when we should meet back up." Emily walked off dragging Ari's hand and not giving them a word. Nicole sighed and walked down the stairs looking around "So where do you want to go?" Nicole was never a follower but more of a leader, but today she wanted to follow Jecka. "I don't fucking know" Jecka stated.

"Wanna just sit at those benches" Jecka said looking in the direction of the wooden basically dead bench. Nicole didn't say anything but followed Jecka, they sat down on the bench feeling the bit of coldness sitting on it. It was silent for the first few minutes; they had talked so much they weren't sure on what to say. They were still a bit stoned so that might have also been the cause of it. "Why the fuck are we being so awkward?" Jecka sighed tilting her head back. "Fuck- there's something I want to say but I like don't at the same time!" Jecka was clearly getting annoyed, it had been burying her head since last night, the one thing she wanted to leave her head. It just wouldn't leave her head. "Now that's going to be in my head for the next week Jecka! Tell me" Nicole said groaning at her. "You remember last night?" Jecka said just slightly above a whisper. She had never felt so unsure of something in her life like she did now. "A lot happened last night which part Jecka?" Nicole had a bunch of thoughts on what Jecka was referring to.

"When you basically said you would like me and you didn't like fucking around with me, but you were too scared, and you didn't like emotions and dealing with that shit?" Jecka quickly worded out. "I remember bits of the conversion but not the whole fucking thing" Nicole did remember the whole thing though; it made her slightly uncomfortable that Jecka remembered it though. The uncomfortableness made Nicole move in her place and face Jecka, who was still looking at the roof. "Right- well I couldn't stop thinking about it and-" Of course when Nicole is desperate to know what she's getting at Emily finally comes back. It was annoying as fuck, but Nicole don't be arsed telling both Ari and Emily to fuck off so Jecka could finish. Jecka on the other hand was quite relieved she really did want to tell Nicole, but she felt like being high and out of it so Nicole probably wouldn't remember. There day was cut short because Ari puked, the girls had no idea what caused her to puke, Ari said it was weed, but it was clear that left her body ages ago. Emily decided on taking Ari home while the two girls stood still.

"What the fuck" Jecka said watching as the two girls walked off. "How the fuck did she puke? Was she snorting cocaine behind our backs?" The blondie said again. "I know right?" Nicole stood there her face burning from the bright sun she hadn't been out for this long since school and although that wasn't long ago but still enough to annoy her. "What were you saying earlier?" Those words were not what Jecka wanted to hear. The blondie was frozen, and she knew there was no chance of escaping this one. "Right, I almost forgot about that- I meant to say I feel like the exact same way as- you know what I mean?" Jecka never imagined telling her best friend she had feelings for her. She never imagined being gay because she LOVES men, but with Nicole she would drop a man right quick. Nicole stood silence for a second watching Jecka's more and more concerned face. "Nicole fucking say something you're going to fucking kill me" Jecka whined. "I don't know what to fucking say Jecka" Nicole and Jecka were getting more annoyed with each other. Jecka wanted to kiss Nicole, but she didn't.

"Cool, okay" Nicole said, the only thing that she could say. "Nicole! What the fuck does that mean?" Jecka whined once again yelling with a very worried face. Nicole actually had no clue what to say. "I fucking mean I feel the same Jecka!" The number of times they said each other's names in this conversion. "Oh" Jecka let out. Jecka had dated but never like a proper boyfriend, Nicole on the other hand had never dated anyone, she had pretend dated to fuck with people. Like Hunter, but that was just to be a dick to Megan. "We probably shouldn't keep standing here. Where do you want to go?" Jecka said cutting herself off. "Should we go to yours?" Nicole said sounding emotionless. "Yeah no one will be home so that's fucking perfect" Jecka said, they both started walking to Jecka's. The walk was awkward and quiet but when they got to Jecka's it was already a bit dark. They stepped into the house and threw themselves onto the couch. "I love you but not in a gay way" Nicole said bluntly "What do you mean not in a gay way?" Jecka jumped and sat up turning to face you. "I'm fucking with you" Nicole chuckled slightly. Jecka stared at Nicole, looking at her eyes. Jecka without saying a word leaned into Nicole and kissed her, she held her face while trying to move to sit on her lap. Nicole finally felt comfortable with herself, with who she was with...

I hope you guys enjoyed this short Jeckole story, it's been in the works for an ages now I kept forgetting about it and then coming back to it. I have other stories in the work, but I won't post them until their finished, so I don't ditch it 

Jeckole - High school friends - Jecka x NicoleWhere stories live. Discover now