And I'm sorry I'm so hellish

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"I don't know- anyways why did Ari want to come over?" Nicole said finding a way to change the subject. Jecka had been wondering for ages about Nicole feelings towards her 'Maybe she doesn't even want to be my friend?' Jecka thought a lot of times, she always wondered what it was. Nicole hated everyone and Jecka although she was alike with Nicole she never thought Nicole liked her. Nicole on the other hand loved Jecka, Nicole never really had many friends she just stuck to herself most of the time. Growing up she had pretty much no friends, mostly by choice. But as soon as she met Nicole "How are we gonna push fat kids down the stairs" Was one of the first things she said to Nicole. "I don't know she asked me early and I said I was going to yours" Jecka responded. "We are friends, right?" Jecka questioned with her eyes closed. "I wouldn't fucking ever let you near me or in my house if I hated you" Jecka wasn't wanting that, she never said they were friends but it's implied. 'She's so pretty, but she's confusing me' Jecka thought to herself. Jecka knew quickly she had feelings for Nicole.

She wasn't a lesbian; she wasn't sure what she was, but she liked both. She admitted to Emily once while drunk about how hot Nicole was. But she never admitted her feelings towards Nicole because she didn't know she liked girls. It wasn't normal for her ever since she was young. Jecka was sat in between Nicole who clearly wasn't listening properly, she looked tired. The blondie had flipped herself, so she was facing Nicole, who was slowly drifting off. Jecka didn't mind that she was falling asleep, she looked pretty. Jecka without looking like too much of a weirdo just listened to Nicole's heartbeat. 1...2...3...4...5- After the letter 15 she had also fallen asleep. During her sleep Nicole had woken up feeling buzzed still. 'She's fucking drooling on me and I'm fucking cold' Nicole moved her body down fully, but she was being careful about hurting Jecka. She laid looking at the roof for about 5 minutes, Jecka was laying on her boobs 'fuck I'm still going to be cold' she sighed. Still staring at the roof, she moved her hand to Jecka's hair. She stroked it gently. She kept petting her hair until she fell asleep.

The sun was brightened up the whole room which annoyed Nicole, Jecka didn't mind because she wasn't facing the window. She groaned loudly which shockingly caused Jecka to jump. "Wha...?" Her hair was way too neat, normally it was a mess. "Fuck it's bright" Jecka yawned. "Yeah, that's what woke me up" Nicole said. "I want to say in bed a bit longer" Jecka said flopping back down on Nicole "You wouldn't fucking mind dying in your sleep that's for sure" Nicole said. "Can you make me breakfast Nicole?" Jecka muffled into the mattress. "No go make yourself some" Nicole said opening the door and shutting it before Jecka could say anything. She was sprawled out on the bed. Nicole sighed once again like every other day would hear her brother yelling. Nicole was more surprised by the fact they didn't hear him from her room. She grabbed bread and put it in the toaster. She grabbed two plates and once her toast was done, she got Jecka toast. She took the butter out of the fridge and used it before taking both plates upstairs. She walked up the stairs, ignoring the slurs her brother was saying to most likely a bunch of kids.

She kicked open the door and walked over and sat on the bed "You nearly sat on my face Nicole" Jecka mumbled. "Bet you would have liked that" She laughed bluntly. "Here's some toast" That got Jecka right up and dangling her legs off the bed "That got you awake" Nicole mumbled. Jecka started eating her toast, Nicole didn't understand how Jecka wasn't cold in just her undies and t-shirt. After finishing they put the plates on top of the drawers, Jecka flopped back down the bed her vest going up "It's so fucking warm" "What the fuck do you mean warm? It's fucking freezing." Nicole stated. "So, are you wanting me to leave or stay?" Jecka said while standing up and putting her jeans on. "What? I don't care" Nicole said trailing her eyes along Jecka's body. Jecka didn't say anything to Nicole she just finished getting changed and sat back down on the bed "We're fucking boring people" She stated breaking the small silence they had. "We are" There was another few minutes of silence until Nicole's phone made a short notification noise. She grabbed her phone from the drawer and saw it was from Emily.

"It's from Emily" Nicole said, Jecka sat up to read the message with Nicole 'come to my fucking party tonight' Sounded threaten "Say yes" Jecka said excitedly "What? No? Parties are shit and there filled with raging teen drinkers who just want to rape girls" Jecka looked at Nicole dumbfounded "Jesus...I still wanna go though so you can sit in your bedroom being a lonely fuck while I'm at a party" She grabbed the hairbrush from the floor and started using it. "She never sent you the message you might not even be invited" Nicole uttered "Fuck well tell Emily I'm you're fucking plus one or whatever" Nicole sighed but messaged back to Emily 'Fine, what time and I'm bringing Jecka' Emily quickly saw the message she never really gets off her phone to be fair. 'Of course, you never want to leave your girlfriend out. Just come now but it starts at 5' Nicole chose to ignore the girlfriend comment and looked up at Jecka who wasn't facing her anymore. "She said to just come now, and it actually starts at 5" Jecka started getting her shit together. Nicole joined her, she got changed down her hair and the little to nothing of makeup. They both checked each other out in the mirror while doing so.  

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