I love it when you hold me

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When Nicole and Jecka got to Emily's house no one was there but herself. They knocked- well more banged on the door for Emily. Emily for long periods of time lives alone. Emily opened the door with a "Hey bitches!" Loudly. They both followed behind Emily to the kitchen where she was grabbing drinks from a cabinet. "Oh, can you message that- umm- I'm not sure what her name is- the gay red haired one" 'Gay, red haired one?- Fuck Emily is not good at detailing- oh Ari-' Nicole clicked on "You mean Ari?" "Yeah her! Invite her as well" Nicole didn't think she even liked Ari clearly, she doesn't even remember her. Emily was 99 percent sure there was something going on between Jecka and Nicole but because the lack of emotions Nicole gives, she couldn't tell if she was using Jecka or actually liked her. Nicole messaged Ari saying, 'Come to Emily's' and added Emily's address with it. Ari (Like normal) Read it and didn't respond which most likely might she was coming. "So, how wasted on a scale of 1-10 wasted do you both play on being?" Emily said jumping her body up on the counter

"Wasted to the point where I wake up in a random house with no clothes and a fuck ton of bite marks" Jecka said confidently. "Probably will be Nicole's bed, right?" Jecka didn't say no to Emily but also didn't say yes. There conversion was interrupted by a gently knock on the door "It'll be Ari no one fucking knocks that quietly" Nicole said. "No one knocks loud like you either" Emily opened the door with a semi smile and let Ari in "Why'd you need me here Nicole?" She was quick to say "For the party also Emily wanted you here" Nicole said not facing the shorter female. "Oh" Ari just responded with "Did you think she was here to have sex with you in my house" Ari face was slightly red "No, Nicole wouldn't even have sex with me" "What have you asked her?" Jecka said joining herself into the conversion "Whatever, I'm not here to have sex with Nicole" "Okay well are you coming to sit down or just watch us?" Nicole bluntly stated. Ari saying nothing walked over to the bright white kitchen and sat on a counter with them. They started talking about random shit to pass the time.

When people started coming that's when Emily brought out the drinks and started pouring for people. Nicole and Jecka started taking drinks on drinks. Nicole wasn't sure what time it was when Jecka left Nicole to go to the bathroom, 'There's no way in hell did she invite Crispin to the party?' Nicole thought seeing Crispin walk over to her. Crispin was a complete idiot with a small dick. He liked to believe he was deep person, but he was just a mourn. "Hey Nicole surprised to see you. what are you doing." He said holding his drink. Even Crispin noticed how drunk Nicole was even just standing there. "I know such a surprise that I'm at my friend's party. What the fuck are you doing here no one likes you" Nicole said hiccups joining in every so often. "That's not true Megan likes me-" Nicole hadn't seen Megan all night "-And Jecka" Nicole looked at him properly this time "I think Jecka would rather kill herself than be anything close to your friend" Nicole just wanted Jecka to hurry up "So, who are you here with like a boyfriend? Your friends?" Nicole sighed, Jecka was taking her sweet ass time

"I mean the host of the party is my friend I guess and I'm here with Jecka" She figured there was nothing else to. "Awh man did Jecka ditch you? I wouldn't ditch you" Nicole quickly shut that up "No Jecka's just at the bathroom. Are you here to rape me? I'm pretty- no I'm really drunk, and you look sober" Nicole said, her back was up against the counter, and she didn't want to leave and for Jecka to come back and see she disappeared on her. "No, I won't have sex with you- unless you want to?" Before Nicole could say anything, she was cut off by a voice behind her "She would never have sex with you- you're a fucking nerd get lost" Jecka loudly said causing some attention from the few people in the kitchen. Crispin awkwardly walked away even leaving his drink behind. "Could you have taken any longer?" Nicole said. Out of the 100 odd people in the house I think it's obvious Jecka and Nicole were the most drunk- well maybe other than Emily but they weren't far behind her. Nicole and Jecka decided to walk around the place.

"Should we ask Emily if were allowed upstairs" Jecka said. "She won't mind" Nicole said walking up the stairs. It got way quieter the more and more stairs they went up, they both knew where Emily's room was, they had both been in it before. They opened Emily's room door and Jecka closed it behind them. "Jecka..." Nicole whispered Nicole had never had a facial expression like she had now, it was desire. stumbling Jecka turned around to face Nicole, she was also stumbling. "Nicole...?" She whispered back. Jecka got close up to Nicole "What's up?" Jecka whispered. Nicole could feel Jecka's breathe on her face. She felt her face heat up a bit with that. Jecka being too drunk didn't take notice to that, the blondie wrapped her gently arms around the brown- haired girls' neck, drunkenly trying to detail all of her face. Jecka move her head to the frozen still girl's ear. "You're so pretty" She whispered. Nicole wasn't sure on what to do, standing here did make her look like an idiot but she just couldn't move. What broke Nicole from being still was feeling Jecka's cherry lips on hers. She snapped out of whatever fucking thought she had and wrapped her arms around Jecka's hips, having a sloppy kiss. Nicole felt like she had lost control.  

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