Chapter Twenty-Two

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(Your Pov)

You arrived on site, battle ready and weaponized. Well, as weaponized as the Avengers allowed you to be. It seems the team was under the impression that a superhumanly strong magician was not short on defense. Not that you were about to use any spells if you didn't have to: if you lost control during the fight you would have to block your magic. Such an outcome during battle would do no one any good.

The Avengers did lend you battle gear, fortunately enough. Unfortunately, you looked awfully similar to one of Shield's faceless soldiers. Not at all like the remarkable outfit Loki had conjured for himself with his shiny horned helmet and cape lined with gold. But although he kept his key pieces, his outfit wasn't quite as haughty in nature as the outfit from his memories nor the pictures you'd seen from his attack on New York.

You knew what happened. You never mentioned it and tried your hardest not to think about it more than you had to, but you did know. Despite how he blamed himself, Loki was not as culpable as the world assumed. He was tortured until he agreed to genocide. You wanted to say something to the Avengers. However, you knew that Loki would not appreciate any actions you took on the matter. He hated that you had seen even what little you did to put the pieces together.

Loki's eyes landed on the too-big helmet that the Avengers insisted you wear, forcing the mischief maker to hide his smirk. "What?" You spoke flatly, daring him to voice his thoughts on your appearance. Your wait in the quinjet had been dreadfully quiet as neither of you were brave enough to initiate small talk after your last conversation. In the library he taught you how to control your magic after your relentless insistence, despite his better judgement nonetheless. You both knew you shouldn't be on this mission. Not now, so soon into your lessons.

But you have one chance. Loki made that clear.

Only one.

"They could have at least given you respectable armor." He appraised your full appearance, hesitating once more when his gaze met your own. "You look just like one of Fury's riff raff."

"Riff raff?" You couldn't hide your giggle from his words. The prince really did despise Shield and likewise, they truly hated the prince. However, favorably enough for all parties involved, since Loki's appearance on Earth the division had left the villain's management up to the Avengers. You didn't like to think about what might happen if they did care.

No, you didn't like that thought at all. A strange mutation of anger churned in the pits of your stomach at the very notion.

"I think I'm a touch above riff raff." You shook your head, enjoying these friendly moments. Loki caught your expression, seeming to feel the same.

Until your comm beeped with a call, "Guys! We could use some help!"


They weren't supposed to need help. Steve was adamant things would be fine. But if they did need you?

"Coming!" You shout back, pressing the button that would lower the back of the quinjet. Loki stepped up beside you, waiting until you could descend from the ramp. He took a breath, and you turned in anticipation of his next words.

But they never came.

No, now that there was no metal shielding around you, your attention was torn to the cries of battle cutting clear through the autumn air. The hulk roared as metal was crushed, the breaths of his victims racing as they tried and failed to get away.

You ripped off your helmet in an attempt to distinguish the whispers, catching the sound of wind splitting in an attempt to accommodate the Avengers' aerial members. Without the blockage, you heard the distant whistles of lead as they flew across the battlefield. And worse yet?

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