chapter 8- dinner

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Author's note: I'm only going to do art for the more important type of chapters instead of every one of them, just a heads up

-Bryan's pov-

"This is nice" I said as I placed down the last plate

"Guess so" says Vendi

"We haven't had a family dinner type thing in a while" I explained

"I can tell" he says "I've been here for awhile now and haven't been to one"

"We have all the food and silverware set up, now we wait for everyone" he says

Soon one by one each person came to take their seats

I was taking count of everyone "wait where's nightmare chica" it had then dawned on me "wait nevermind"

I let out a sigh before sitting down "how has everyone been?"

"I've been good" said Adrien who was already grabbing some of the food

"Me and Foxy were on a date yesterday!" Steve said excitedly

"Wow so shocking" commented molten. Ballora elbowed him in the arm after

"Hey aleast I have a lover!" Says steve "unlike some people"

"Cough Bryan cough cough" commented Roxanne

"Ha ha so funny" I said to her

"Lets pull it back a bit" says Ballora

"Its a joke" says Roxxan

"Yeah!" Says Steve

I let out a sigh "an over used one"

"Really got that mom attitude" Vendi said towards ballora

"Well I did take care of Bryan for most of his life" said Ballora "so I probably get it from there"

"Really?" Said Vendi intrigued

"She was a nanny for me" I said "parents were busy...some more then the other"

"I was there to help" she says "now I just help were I can"

"I see" said Vendi before going back to the food

"The food is good" said Freddy

"Did put work into it" I said

"I forget you cook sometimes" said Freddy

"I cook when I'm able to" I say

"This is nice" says Foxy

"We need to do these more often" says steve

"We can sure as hell try" I say with a small laugh


Chapter 11 👀👀👀👀👀

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