chapter 13- more explanation

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Tw: talks of death/killing

-vendi's pov-

Most of the day had gone by, by the time the door to mine and Bryan's room opened

I closed the book I was reading, placing it on the desk next to the bed and Bryan walked in

He had left out a long sigh before plopping himself onto the bed

"Long day?" I asked

"More or less" he says "can't wait for the upcoming days"

"How long is she staying?" I asked

"I think just tomorrow? Then she's leaving the next day or something like that" he explained "her visits are usually short"

"Right" I say

"Sorry for that telling you earlier" he said "she hadn't visited in awhile plus she usually writes a letter to let us know so we can get stuff ready like food"

"And to hid us?" I asked, though it wasn't much of a question

"Yeah, my mom wasn't okay with the idea hell the idea isn't even fully mine" Bryan explained "my dad brought it one day and it kinda stuck with me"

"Your dad?" I asked

He nodded "he came up with the idea, he wasn't much of a rule follower well compared to my mom that is"

"Why didn't he come?" I asked though I felt like I had an idea of the answer

"He's no longer with us" Bryan said with a saddened sigh "he died a long time ago"

"Most I have of him is a picture, the human idea and some of his magic" Bryan says

"Magic?" I asked

He nodded "once again not much of a rule follower, found some old magic books and learned, taught me stuff but most of it is his, he gave me his magic.... Like he knew something bad would happen to him"

"He was a king" I said

"Yeah... that's true" says Bryan "people want to kill you if you're a king I guess"

"Never dealt with people wanting to kill you?" Vendi asked

"Uh- Some humans wanted to, I mean maybe some vampires? I mostly hear them bad talk me" Bryan says

'right that rumor' I had remembered

"But um...moving on" Bryan says "my mom is in her room right now"

"I guess that's good" I said

"Yeah" he says "a little break"

"I mean your her son, she's going to want to see you the most" I said

"Yeah your right" he put his head on my shoulder, I felt my cheeks heat up a bit

He looked up and me and smiled

"Thanks" he said

"For what?" I asked

He closed his eyes and put his arms around mine "making me less nervous... Making me feel good"

I moved my head to be on top of his "its not a problem, really"

We both stayed like that for awhile, before getting ready for bed

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