Chapter 7: Sister

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I take my suit off as it was getting a little too warm in here so I drape it against the sofa and walk to the kitchen. I need a drink.

"Pour us a cup Miles."

He nods his head at me and pours the beer in a cup for me and I take it. I look around as I'm drinking to see if I can find the others but I don't see them.

I head to the next room and take a seat on the high chair at the island as I take in everything that happened. Work went very well today, I think I'll call it a success. We finally got the Bark Industries to back off and we made a deal as well. They'll leave us alone for a couple or months or so but it's good enough for me.

Alecs meeting with their boss and the board of directors and trustees went perfect apparently and he wanted us to celebrate. So we came back to his place with a few friends from work plus our close friends.

At first it was going to be at my place but then the others insisted it to be at Alecs since it was closer. It was only meant to be a small thing since it was past midnight so we ordered food and chilled.

I wasn't there with Alec at that meeting with The Bark industries because I had a meeting to attend to at one of the other companies so when I have to do that, Alec takes over at our own industry.

It's quite hard trying to put myself in five places at once since it was only me and Alec as the head of the Industry but we make it work and support each other when we have other issues to attend to.

We don't normally do parties or celebrate when something goes well at work so it's very rare when these little parties happen.
I didn't have any reasons to object to going to it anyway because I didn't have anything to do at home. I was going to continue with the paperwork when I got home as sleeping wasn't an option.

No one knows about my problem, not even my best friend. I haven't told anyone and I don't plan to. It's not my thing to throw my issues at others for them to deal with. It's mine for a reason so I have to do it myself.

"Congrats on the offer bro," Travis approaches me and slaps his hand on my back as he walks past. I nod my head his way as I watch him walk away.

People thinks being a CEO of many businesses may be nothing because you're at the very top so you get co-workers to basically do everything. But it's actually not like that at all. We have many duties and responsibilities that are significantly necessary for our businesses so we need to do our part. We make major corporate decisions and share our ideas and goals with the board of directors to see if they approve of what we want our company to be capable of.

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