First Year

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28th August 1938

Dumbledore told me to get a diary for school, so here I am writing in this stupid diary. This is pointless. How am I supposed to talk write here. Do I write like I'm talking to someone? Do I write like down my thoughts. Dumbledore didn't explain that to me. He didn't explain much of anything, he said that I was special but I already knew that. I always have been able to do things the other kids here couldn't. And acording according to him, there is a school for kids like me, magical kids. Hogwarts. It's kinda like a boarding school I guess, that is what I heard him say to Mrs Cole. I will be going there in September. I am different from other magical kids, he didn't tell me how. I know that I am powerful, and going to this school will help me develop my power.
-List of school books + A Wand? + Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1st September 1938

Hogwarts is very big. The train ride was long, and the first years had to get on boats to get to the school. Dumbledore said somethings about houses and points. There were 4 tables in the great hall for each of the houses. At the end of the hall was a table with all the teach professors. There was a wonky stool with a very old looking hat on top, which started singing. Dumbledore then started calling out names, I was one of the last few. The odd hat shouted Slytherin. There was a lot of food, nothing compa like the food at Wool's, here there are actual meals and a lot of variety there are even desserts. Two older students, prefects, took the new Slytherins to the common room. I now have to share a dorm with four other boys. I assume they are close since they haven't stopped talking.

2nd September 1938

I need to write something otherwise I'll hurt someone my dormmates asked me if I was a 'pure-blood' when i asked what that was they were not happy, now they are calling me a 'filthy mud-blood', and news travels fast at this school because even before I reached the great hall people were looking at me with disgust. It doesn't matter though, I am here to learn how to use my power so that is what I will do. I will show them fear.

10th September 1938

I have been focusing on my classes for the past week. Spending most of my time in the library since anywhere else in this school I am bound to get called 'mud-blood'. I have taken it upon myself to get revenge I learnt the names of my dormmates; Abarax Malfoy, Raynor Lestrange, Morpheus Rosier, and Emlyn Avery.

30th October 1938

Being the top student in my potions class, Slughorn has permitted me to get advanced potion books from the library. My revenge potions plan continues.

-Alihosty Draught, causes hysterical laughter.
-Babbling Beverage, causes uncontrolable speaking of nonsense.
-Essence of insanity, causes irrational behaviour.
-Wideye potion, prevents the drinker from sleeping.

2nd November 1938

Thanks to the daily prophet I have discovered a new potion that is perfect for my revenge.
- Hate Potion, shows the drinker's worst traits and habits.

18th November 1938

I have been spending more time in the potions room and Slughorn now trusts me enough to leave me alone. I have studied his schedule and soon I shall make the potion of revenge.

7th December 1938

I finished making the potion correctly yesterday, my plan will be in motion on Saturday. I shall stay at Hogwarts for the upcoming holidays so I can be in the library without anyone bothering me.

10th December 1938

It was amazing the potion worked well obviously, but now that I have gotten my revenge potion assignment done I can focus more on researching about the wizarding world.

31st December 1938

Hogwarts is so much better when everyone leaves, Apart from the teachers professors and a couple of other students.

20th January 1939

The tea professors have decided to give out a whole lot of assignments. Pages and pages of writing are due.

26th April 1939

Stupid end-of-the-year exams are coming up, and I have decided that next year I shall look for my father. I will prove everyone wrong, I am powerful and they will fear me.

17th June 1939

Exams are over now there are 2 weeks left before I go back to Wools.

2nd July 1939

I have been back at Wools for only a night and I already hate it, although I am pleased to see that my power here has stayed the same.

26th August 1939

Honestly, with the amount of children all over the place, it would have been better to talk in an office but no, the halls are a perfectly good place for Mrs Cole to have a serious conversation with the Matron.

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