Fourth Year

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3rd September 1941

During the holidays I came up with the idea to change my name. Since my father is a stupid muggle there is no need to go around displaying his filthy name.

12th October 1941

Tom Marvolo Riddle
Lord Eorddam Vomit
Motor Mavel Dildo
☆ Immortal Love Rodd maybe
Mortal Dildo Mover
Mormat Dildo Lover
Dildo Lover Rat Mom No
I am Loved Old Mr Ort
Mild Doormat Lover
Dermal Drool Vomit
Old Immortal Dover
Mr Tom A Dildo Lover
Mr T.O Dildo Removal
Milt Moo, Dad Lover
Vim Troll, Dad Romeo
Rev Tom, a Dildo Mlor
Tom, Dildo ram Lover
Dildo Mom, Art Lover
I am Lord Voldemort Cool

20th November 1941

Since being back at Hogwarts the work I have to do has increased so I have been spending all of my time studying for classes. I managed to 'befriend' a few Slytherins while studying, as well as continuing to gain Slughorn's approval. So I was only able to search the library today. I don't have my restricted section pass anymore, but I don't think I need it since when I was searching last year I came across a wizarding heritage book. Now I just need to find it.

28th December 1942

With most of the students away for Christmas break I was able to find the book. I was right, my father is a filthy muggle, and my mother's side is magical. According to this book, The Gaunt family are direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin. It's about time I find out just how powerful I can be.

4th Febuary 1942

Due to the amount of work the professors set up after the break, my plans are yet again delayed. The good thing is now that I have Malfoy, Lestrange, and Avery working for me I can get them to look for the book.

17th March 1942

Malfoy gave me the book yesterday and I found some very interesting information. Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth, which allowed him to talk to snakes, and he was skilled at Legilimency. He used his abilities to create something called the Chamber of Secrets, where a Basalik lay. Just like me, he despised muggles and even had a plan to get rid of them, using the chamber. But when he was caught by the other three founders, he chose to leave Hogwarts never to return. It is said that the chamber is only opened by Salazar's 'true heir'.

28th June 1942

I have been searching this entire school for the past two months, and I haven't found a thing. Not a single trace of Salazar Slytherin can be found. One would think to find it hidden in the Slytherin common room but no, nothing. And with exams coming up it doesn't look like I will find it this year.

15th August 1942

After spending the summer break thinking about this chamber, I have come up with a brilliant idea to find it. I need to map out Hogwarts, then I can use said map to thoroughly search for the chamber.

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