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birds of a feather


four years later.

"𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏, Sleeping Beauty," was all Maisie heard as her blanket was pulled off her, the warmth that engulfed her quickly leaving her.

Maisie recognized the voice of the person forcefully waking her up immediately. She groaned and tried to pull the blanket back to cover her body, but his grip was stronger.

"Leave me alone, Luke," Maisie said, mostly to her pillow.

"It's noon, Maise."


Luke chuckled at Maisie's resistance and started shaking her shoulder to annoy her.

"Come on," he said, dragging out the last word. "I want to fight."

"Can't you fight Travis or something? I'm sleeping here," she argued, grabbing his wrist and pushing him back with all her strength (which wasn't much in her state).

"I actually want competition," Luke said with a smirk. That caused Maisie to sit up in her bed, although begrudgingly.

"I'm so telling Travis you said that," she said, combing through her long hair with her hands in the hopes of taming it. She was sure it looked crazy.

"It doesn't matter, I managed to get you up," he said as Maisie left the comfort of her bed.

"Yeah, yeah, you're irresistible or whatever. Go away so I can get ready," she said, pushing him gently to the exit of the cabin.

"I'm irresistible you say?" Luke turned back around to face her with a smirk.

"Irresistibly annoying."

"Sure." Luke was now grinning at her from his spot next to the cabin door. Maisie gave him what she hoped was her most murderous look. "Okay, okay, I'm going." Luke raised his hands in surrender. "Don't leave me hanging for too long," he said as he walked out of cabin six.

When she was sure his back was turned, Maisie smiled.


The arena was empty, save for a few Ares kids basically maiming their siblings. Maisie went ahead and picked a training sword she thought would do.

Maisie was pacing around waiting for Luke when she felt the tip of a sword on her back. On instinct, she turned around quickly and hit the sword that was on her with her own, before realizing it belonged to Luke. Of course, his grip on the weapon was firm so Maisie didn't manage to disarm him.

"I see you're already in the mood," Luke teased as Maisie straightened up and strengthened the grip on her sword's hilt.

"I'm in the mood to beat you," Maisie said confidently. She was well aware Luke was the strongest swordsman in camp. But they had taught each other everything they knew. She knew his tactics, his quick thinking and his moves.

"We'll see about that," he challenged and Maisie didn't hesitate to swing at him. Of course, he dodged and made a quick move on her.

They sparred like this for a good while, since no one was managing to hit the other's body. Maisie's forehead had begun to sweat and she could hear the more quickened breaths Luke took. They were both growing tired, yet neither of them was going to back down.

Luke took a small step back, leaving Maisie some time to breathe. Instinctively, she let her hands relax for a second. That was her mistake.

Luke saw his opening and swung at her, cutting her slightly on her side. Maisie drew in a sharp breath as she clutched the injured area with her free hand.

These were always the rules with her and Luke. Whoever drew blood first, won. Obviously, they didn't try to seriously harm each other. But it wasn't a fight without a cut.

"Yes!" Luke cheered, laughing. He let his sword drop to the floor and extended a hand to her, which she begrudgingly took.

"I can't believe I woke up just for you to beat me," Maisie said as Luke helped her up from her crouched position.

"Did you seriously think you'd win?" he asked, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"I have beaten you multiple times," she argued, looking up at him, one of her hands still pressed to her wound.

"Those days are over, smartie." Maisie smiled at the nickname despite herself. Luke had called her that for years, because of her mother. He knew not to underestimate a child of Athena.

"You wish," she responded as they reached the infirmary where an Apollo kid would heal her wound.

"Hey guys," Lee Fletcher greeted them as soon as they stepped foot in the infirmary. "Who won this time?"

Lee knew of their frequent duels, seeing as he was the person healing them most of the time. He found the whole situation a nice change of routine.

Maisie grimaced and showed him her cut side, rolling up her shirt.

"I see. You'll get him next time, I'm sure of it," Lee told her with an encouraging smile. Maisie smiled back weakly at him but noticed Luke trying to suppress his laughter from the corner of her eye. She elbowed him as hard as her condition would allow her, which shut him up.

With a victorious smile on her face, Maisie walked over to the bed Lee guided her to. Seeing as it wasn't a deep cut, he was able to heal it fast and let her go on with her day.

"Every day I hate you a bit more," Maisie told Luke while they were walking out of the infirmary. That caused Luke to let out a laugh.

"You could never hate me," he retorted, seeing the frown on her face. "Let's go to the beach."

"Why? So you can push me in the sea and earn another point in our imaginary scoreboard?" Maisie joked, the ghost of a smile appearing on her face.

"No, dummy. I just don't want you to hate me," Luke said.

Maisie sighed dramatically. "I guess I can take you up on that offer," she said, eventually smiling up at him.


dear reader!

they're so cute

𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐌, luke castellanWhere stories live. Discover now