Chapter 17: The Herd

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Raven's fingers trembled against her temples, the weight of leadership feeling heavier by each passing second. The dim light of the underground room cast long shadows over her face, mirroring the dark thoughts swirling in her head. It had been an hour, but the sting of Rick's words still hung in the air like a toxic cloud.

Beside her, Glenn remained a steady presence, his hand moving in soothing circles on her back. His touch was a temporary balm to the chaos threatening to consume her.

'I don't know if our gates can hold them off,' Raven finally murmured, breaking through the silence that had blanketed the room after the heated meeting.

Glenn's comforting voice wrapped around her like a warm shroud. 'It doesn't matter what happens to those gates. We've got options. Remember, we can always fall back to the bunker,' he reassured her.

But the words licked at Raven's resolve like flames. 'It won't fit everyone...' The image of leaving anyone behind was unbearable; it clawed at her from inside.

In response, Glenn just tightened his grip around her, pulling Raven into an embrace that felt like anchorage amidst stormy seas. The moment stretched on, before reality beckoned them back with relentless urgency.

With a collective deep breath, and they were amongst their people again as survivors looked up at them for direction. Without hesitation, Raven mounted the steps two at a time until she reached the summit of one of the guard towers – a structure that had risen from nothing by her own design.

From this height, Raven's gaze locked onto the advancing horde; it was an undulating mass of death inching closer with every heartbeat. Time was slipping through their fingers now; they needed to act swiftly.

She didn't hesitate. Her hand flew to the alarm switch, sending a wailing siren cutting through any remaining silence. Then she grabbed the microphone, 'To all units! Get everyone inside! Now!' Her voice thundered through loudspeakers spread across their haven.

Panic met her orders as people scrambled towards safety—a safety only as good as a last stand could offer. And standing tall upon her tower, Raven saw them all beneath waning hope—an unwavering sentinel committed to every soul that moved below.

Raven's heart pounded like a drum as she did a headcount outside the bunker. A knot formed in her stomach when she realized who was missing: Enid, Beth, 10K, Carl, Judith, and Rick. Adrenaline surged through her veins as she darted across the abandoned streets, frantic eyes scanning for any sign of them amid the chaos. Suddenly, a gut-wrenching sight caught her attention: The gates crumbled like paper mache under the relentless force of the undead herd surging into their safe haven.

Without hesitation, Raven sprinted towards Rick's house amidst the cacophony of groans and shrieks. Bursting into view came Rick himself – his movements were desperate as he scavenged through debris for his children. Without wasting a breath, Raven grabbed his arm – 'they could be at my place!' she gasped out – terror-laced urgency painting every word.

Together they raced back across what now seemed like an endless distance. Upon reaching Raven's home, they plundered through each room until they burst into her room. There they were: Enid, Carl, Judith, 10K – his vigilant gaze scanning their surroundings – with Beth consoling them in a protective huddle.

'All of you,' shouted Raven piercingly above the swelling noise from outside – 'we have to get to the bunker NOW!' They all lurched upright, swept immediately into action by Raven's commanding presence.

The sound of unrelenting groans and crashing footsteps echoed close behind them as they surged towards the bunker. Desperation clouded their faces, muscles aching from the sprint. The looming steel doors stood inches away, yet felt worlds apart as the relentless herd of walkers zeroed in.

"Open up! OPEN UP NOW!" she bellowed, fists pounding against the cold metal. Panic tinged her voice, but it was laced with an unyielding command that brooked no argument.

The security team inside was well-trained, battle-hardened, yet her urgency spurred them into a frenzy of motion. Gears groaned and bolts unlocked with heavy clanks; the doors started to part but moved agonizingly slowly, as if to mock their desperation.

The gap was just wide enough when Raven sprang into action. With a fierceness that matched the peril, she thrust them forward through the narrow opening. "Inside! Go, GO!"

Their bodies barely cleared the threshold when the first walker's gnarled hands lunged through the gap. Without hesitation, Raven heaved against the massive door with a grunt—their only barrier against a sea of death. The walkers squeezed in one by one, rotting fingers grasping for life.

With adrenaline surging like wildfire through her veins, Raven whirled around just as one grasped for Enid's leg. In one swift, fluid motion that seemed almost rehearsed, she dispatched them—a flash of silver and it was over before anyone could gasp.

The silence that followed hung heavier than any scream could convey. Raven's chest heaved; she scanned the room swiftly—an instinctive check for more threats. They were safe—for now. Enid steadied herself against a wall, while Beth clasped her shaking hands together—a silent prayer or maybe a wordless 'thank you.'

That's when Carl moved toward Raven with open arms. The urgency of battle slipped away as they embraced—one long moment that spoke volumes more than words ever could about fear faced and shared survival.

Before it lingered too long in this world of constant dangers and fleeting safety, Rick's steady hand fell upon their shoulders—pulling them apart with a firm yet gentle understanding.

 "We're not done yet," his eyes spoke gravely, injecting reality back into their reprieve from death's whispering promise outside those steel doors.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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