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As Lev's plane touched down at Incheon International Airport, a flood of memories washed over her, transporting her back in time to the moments she had left behind five years ago. The familiar sights and sounds of the bustling airport stirred something deep within her, evoking a sense of nostalgia and reflection.

As she stepped off the plane and into the terminal, Lev couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions—excitement, anticipation, and a tinge of apprehension. It had been five long years since she had last set foot on Korean soil, and returning now felt like stepping into a chapter of her life she had long left behind.

As she made her way through the airport, Lev's gaze lingered on familiar landmarks—the towering architecture, the vibrant colors, and the bustling crowds—all serving as reminders of the life she had once known and the person she had once been.

LEV steps off the plane, scanning the bustling airport until her eyes land on her cousin, ALI, waiting for her with a warm smile. But her smile falters slightly when she notices Sophie her friend Ali's girlfriend, standing beside him, their hands intertwined.

LEV: (surprised) Ali, Sophie!

ALI: (grinning) Lev, welcome back!

LEV: (trying to hide her surprise) Hi, Ali. Hi, Sophie.

SOPHIE: (cheerfully) Lev, it's so good to see you again!

SOPHIE: (excitedly) Surprise! Ali and I are officially a couple now. It's been a month.

LEV: (surprised but delighted) That's wonderful news! Congratulations, you two.

As Lev processes the revelation, she recalls Sophie recent text from her. Inquiring about Ali. It all makes sense now.

LEV: (teasingly) So, that's why you were asking about my cousin Ali.

SOPHIE: (laughing) Guilty as charged. We wanted to share the news in person.

Ali and Sophie's happiness is infectious, and Lev can't help but feel overjoyed for them as they embark on this new chapter of their relationship.

LEV: (grinning) Well, I'm thrilled for both of you. Let's celebrate!

Sophie and Lev settle into the car, Ali loading the luggage's  into the trunk with practiced efficiency.

The luxury car glides smoothly through the winding roads, carrying Sophie, Lev, and Ali towards the grand mansion nestled amidst lush gardens.

Sophie: [Laughing] Lev, do you remember that time we got lost in Paris and ended up at that obscure café?

Lev: [Chuckles] How could I forget? That was the best unintentional adventure we ever had!

[Their laughter fills the car, a testament to the deep bond of friendship between them.


***SOPHIE is the heiress to the SOperbK empire, agriculture coursed through her veins. Each apple, peach, and orange bore the legacy of her family's dedication to quality and innovation.

With a sharp mind and a discerning eye, Sophie navigated the intricate world of farming, blending tradition with modern techniques to yield the finest produce. Her passion for perfection was evident in every aspect, from cultivating the soil to orchestrating global imports, ensuring SOperbK's presence was felt on every continent.

Yet, beyond the boardrooms and fields, Sophie was more than just a business tycoon. She was a beacon of grace and intelligence, captivating all who crossed her path. Her beauty was not merely skin deep but radiated from within, a reflection of her unwavering commitment to excellence. Sophie and her family  leaves in a HANOK - a traditional house of Korea is a wooden architectural structure built on the basis of the traditional Korean-style framework consisting of columns and purlins and a roof reflecting the Korean traditional architectural style.

At the Mansion...

Family Time

***As they arrive at the mansion, Lev's eyes widen in amazement at the sight of Ali's family gathered to welcome her. Ali's mother warmly embraces Lev, while his uncle offers a jovial greeting. Lev's grandmother waits on the veranda, her smile radiant as she welcomes them home.

Grandmother: Lev, my darling, it's been far too long. Welcome home!

[Lev's heart swells with emotion as she embraces her grandmother, feeling the warmth of family enveloping her.]

Sophie: [Grinning] Looks like we're in for a treat. Ali, lead the way to the glass garden feast!

They follow Ali through the sprawling gardens, arriving at the glass garden where a feast awaits, a symphony of colors and flavors to celebrate Lev's return after five long years.

As they dine under the starlit sky, surrounded by loved ones and laughter, Lev knows that she's truly home, where memories are made and cherished forever.

The glass garden was  in the soft glow of twinkling lights, a serene ambiance lingering in the air after the sumptuous feast. Lev, inspired by the warmth of the evening and the love surrounding her, took center stage with her violin, a cherished instrument that held a myriad of memories.

With a gentle smile, Lev closed her eyes, summoning the timeless melody of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy." The familiar notes danced through the air, weaving a tapestry of emotion that touched the hearts of all who listened. Lev poured her soul into each stroke of the bow, honoring her grandmother's favorite song with every heartfelt note.

As the final strains of "Ode to Joy" faded into the night, Lev felt a sense of satisfaction over her. But she wasn't finished yet. With a playful glint in her eye, she launched into a more contemporary piece, the infectious rhythm of Lauv's "I Like Me Better" filling the garden with energy and joy. Heads bobbed, feet tapped, and laughter bubbled forth as Lev's music brought everyone together in harmony.

As Lev concluded her performance, applause erupted, a symphony of appreciation for her talent and the love she had shared through her music. Tears of joy welled in her grandmother's eyes as she embraced Lev, her heart overflowing with pride and gratitude.

In that moment, surrounded by family and friends, Lev knew that music had the power to transcend barriers, unite souls, and create memories that would last a lifetime. And as the night faded into memory, the echoes of her melodies lingered, a reminder of the beauty and magic of music's timeless embrace.

As the evening winded down, Ali took charge, gathering everyone's attention.

Ali: "Alright, folks, it's time for Sophie to head home. Lev, you'll be settling into your old bedroom for the night."

Sophie and Lev exchanged a warm hug,

Lev turned to Ali, "Could you arrange for a personal driver for me during my stay?"

"Sure thing," Ali replied. "Your personal driver will be here tomorrow."

Sophie chimed in, "Let's meet our other friends tomorrow  for lunch. They're all here in KOREA!and it'll be great to catch up.

Lev: Sounds perfect. I miss them all.

With hugs and goodbyes exchanged, Sophie heads home with Ali, and Lev prepares for a restful night in her childhood bedroom, eagerly anticipating the reunion with friends and the adventures to come.

Lev the Start of Everything and BetweenWhere stories live. Discover now