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the Ninjas were invited to Chen's Island for the Tournament of Elements.

They weren't the only ones as other elemental masters were invited also.

They were all on Chen's ferry as they all were about to get off.

"Seems like we are almost here." Lloyd said as they were about to arrive. 

"Once we land, we should always stick together." Jay said as the ferry gets out of the fog.

"and remember, we will only here to find our friend, Zane. he has to be on his island." Lloyd said. 

"We will find him for sure." Cole said.

As the ferry finally got out of the fog, they saw the Island. looked abandoned.

What happened?

"Huh? this looks odd. why is this all abandoned?" Jay asked as he rubs his neck slowly. "I thought we were gonna do the-" he was cut off when Lloyd said "I guess not. but once we land, we should at least investigate." 

"I must agree. but once we do, we should be careful." Garmadon said as they nodded.

The Ferry lands as everyone slowly got off. as they did, they were all confused.

Why does Chen's Island look so abandoned?

It was supposed to be the tournament of elements.

but it's not.

"Karlof does not like this" Karlof said as they all managed to get out of the ferry to look around. Once they got off, they all walked as the place was all quiet. They all looked around slowly.

"I have this weird feeling that Chen probably lied about this." Lloyd said as Kai added "Probably. We are supposed to be here to find our friend, Zane! not arrive to an abandoned island!". 

"You think so? I somehow agree." Jay said as they all walked still. as they all walked up to the huge gate. it was closed. They tried to open it.

"This thing is supposed to open! how come it isn't?" Griffin Turner said as they all tried opening it. "Maybe try our elemental powers. it should work!" Kai yelled. Karlof attempts to punch it open but it failed. "Karlof's powers not working!"  He yelled as they still tried.

"Shoot..if his powers aren't working..does that mean-" Jay was cut off as Garmadon says "It's unsure but we must try more."

Few moments later, it finally opened. as it opened, the place was completely a mess. there was stuff left behind. this also shocked everyone but..

there were also dead bodies of several anacondrai warriors.

They were dead.

"Oh god." Some of them said as they looked around. "Now that looks gross!" Cole yelled as he looked away. Garmadon looked at one of them as he kneeled. "Hmm..this is strange." He said.

Ninjago: The Walking DeadWhere stories live. Discover now