Save The Last One

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It was night already as half of the group left early to find Hershel's farm. T-Dog, Glenn, Kai, Skylor, Nora, Neuro, Shade, Griffin, and Paleman were already on their way to the farm to get T-Dog and Griffin treated but two of them had to go on vehicle while the rest decide to walk to the farm.

But in the highway, some of the others were in the RV. Andrea was putting more bullets in the clip to the pistol. Daryl laid on the floor of the RV next to the, trying to get some sleep.

Dale were currently outside, keeping watch just in case if another herd of walkers happened to be walking their way.

 or hopefully Sophia came walking from the forest.

the others were in the RV  trying to sleep but it seems like Cole and some of the others were awake and hearing Carol crying in her sleep.

Daryl then sat up and looked at Carol before standing up. He then looked at Andrea, Cole, Seliel, Jay, and Nya "I need my clip now." Daryl said to the five as he grabs his crossbow and places it on his back. "I'm gonna walk the road, look for the girl." Andrea told him as Cole stood up. "I'm going also."

"If you guys are going, I am also." Seliel said as Jay stepped in. "Can't stand being in the RV all night. I'm going also." Jay said.

"I'm also going." Nya said. 

Daryl gave them a look as he nodded. He leads Andrea, Seliel, Jay, Cole, and Nya out of the RV as they were now outside, which was dark. Daryl was using a flashlight as he was looking around with it, making sure there was no walkers around them.

"Make it six now." Andrea told Daryl as Daryl looked up at Dale. He told him "We're going for a walk. Shine some light in the forest. If she's out there, give her something to look at."

"We'll be back as fast as we can." Cole told Dale as he softly smiled at him.


Meanwhile in the forest, Nora was leading Kai, Skylor, Neuro, Shade, Paleman, and Griffin to the farm. Griffin was being carried by Kai and Shade while Neuro and Skylor were using flashlights to find their way to the farm.

Nora held her crossbow closed as she looked around. "Can't believe we are walking in the middle of the woods. Who knows if there's any walkers around us right now." Kai stated as Nora replied "Don't worry, we're armed, just in case."

"Besides, Glenn and T-Dog are gonna be at the farm also." Nora added as Paleman said "How far are we even right now?" 

"We are on the path where Rick, Lloyd, Master Wu, Garmadon, Shane, and Carl went. before..Carl got shot." Neuro stated as Skylor added "If we follow it, we should be able to get to the farm faster."

"We should." Kai said as Griffin slightly sweated a bit. "Man, We should sooner. I can't stand this "blood infection" or whatever this could be! I can't be taken down by a cut!" Griffin said as Shade looked at him and said "Don't worry. we don't even know if it's actually a blood infection. We can just get it stitched."

"And if that works somehow, You will be up and running, speedy boy." Nora said as Skylor agreed. "besides, we are almost there. Just hang on." Skylor added.

"Nothing can take me down! I just know it" Griffin said as he gives out a light chuckle. 

Moments later, they finally arrived at the farm. As they did, They saw Glenn and T-Dog driving behind them. They finally arrived as all of them were outside. 

Glenn and T-Dog got out of their vehicle as the seven looked over. "This must be the farm, huh?" Shade asked as Glenn asked them "So do we ring the bell? I mean it looks like people live here."

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