you have an anxiety attack (requested)

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"Are you okay?" Brittany asked worriedly as you two got into the car.

Your hand was shaking and your palm was sweating in her grip as you tried to take a few deep breaths and fight off the anxiety attack that you felt coming on.

You love tagging along with Brittany to events but sometimes, you still struggle with all of the people that show up to support her.

There were a lot of fans that waited outside for Brittany today and they were a little overexcited when you two stepped out of the place where one of her interviews was taking place today.

They ended up pushing and shoving and even pulled at your hair and your clothes as they tried to get you out of the way and get closer to Brittany.

That, along with the flashing lights from cameras and the screams in your ears, made you a little anxious.

And even though you were in the car and the door was closed so no one could bother either of you, your heart was still pounding and the anxiety was still intense.

"Y/N? Baby, talk to me."

"I just got overwhelmed." You managed to say as you began to struggle to breathe. "It was a lot to handle."

"I know." She said as she squeezed your hand comfortingly.

You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to focus on her but it was hard when you still felt anxious.

"It's okay, baby. I'm right here with you. Try to take a few deep breaths."

You shook your head as you tried to breathe but felt as if you couldn't get any air into your lungs.

"I don't think I can."

"You can. Come on, I'm right here with you. You can do it. I've got you." She spoke, trying to comfort and encourage you through it. "Look at me."

You opened your eyes and met hers as you struggled to breathe and your heart beat faster than ever.

"Look right into my eyes. Focus on me. I'm here, I've got you."

You exhaled shakily before you tried to take some deep breaths.

As she brushed her fingers along your skin to comfort you and kept looking into your eyes, you began to feel the weight lift and felt as though you just might be able to finally get some air into your lungs.

"That's it. There you go. You're doing amazing." She said with a small but proud smile. "Good girl, keep focusing on me and keep taking deep breaths."

"I'm sorry. I just got so scared and overwhelmed. They kept pushing me and pulling at my hair and-"

"Shh." She interrupted. "You don't need to explain or apologize. I understand. But it's over now. It's just us. We're safe, we're going somewhere else now and all of that chaos is behind us. It's just me and you."

You nodded and looked out the windows, feeling safer now that the crowd of overexcited fans was far behind.

"You're okay." She whispered before kissing your hand.

Your heart began to slow down and beat normally again, each beat steady and the way it should be.

The anxiety was starting to fade away.

Your hands weren't shaking or sweating as badly as before as Brittany continued to hold onto them.

You felt safe, especially when your eyes locked with Brittany's once more and you saw how soft and loving her gaze was.

"Are you doing better?"

You nodded.

"Are you not feeling anxious anymore?"

"I think I'm okay." You said before letting out one more shaky breath. "Can you keep holding my hand though?"

"Of course." She smiled and brushed her fingers across your hand softly, promising to not let go until you wanted her to.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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