chapter 2:

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Don't own anything

author pov:

Shinobi followed yami & co to yuki residence. Yami about to walked in but heard someone behind she looks behind at the entrance.

Asuka & toki hid behind a car across the street. Yami looking everywhere & she sweatdropped.

Yami: Ain't that a load of shit -_-

She closed & door locked.  Hibari came out of her invisibility. Sitting on their ui & Katsuragi came out of their trash & recycle dumbsters luckily both of them are empty.

Ikaruga looked through the kitchen. Everyone is having is having a nice conversation. Sky saying something extremely to a point yui rito's first girlfriend couldn't handle it.

Mikan: you have a mouth sky san

Yui towards the window ikaruga is looking.

" ah shit " Ikaruga thought she vanished yui opened the window & laughs so hard. Ikaruga standing to the side broke a sweat she looks at yui.

" Don't look left. Don't look left " she panicking yagyu on the right about to knock her out with her parasol.

Yui didn't look both ways she closed the window she fell & let a sighed. Yagyu facepalmed.

Asuka: that girl got good eyes

Toki: it is true. Aliens do live here

Asuka: aliens!?

Toki: always believe mochi does come from moon rabbits of the moon

Kazakiri: aliens no way

Amane looks behind seeing a yellow Lamborghini countach.

" Funny i Don't remember that car being there

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" Funny i Don't remember that car being there. Since when did it got here? " she thought.

Asuka: lets go

Tearju: found a nearby hotel. Friend of mine who lives here recommended it

Katsuragi: she a shinobi too?

Ikaruga: no. She doesn't i am one. Lets just say she can be a bit ... sassy

They left amane took last look of that car.

Amane: i am watching you

She left. Car turned on.

Sunstreaker: " 🎵 i know what feels like when someone's watching me 🎵 "

Yami opens the door lambo turns around & drives off. She has this look. While chewing food.

Yami: i am seeing all kinds of shit

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Yami: i am seeing all kinds of shit

Mikan: YAMI!

Yami: AHHHH!😱

Mikan: wasabi or soap?

Yami: soap

She punched yami in the gut. Making her eyes widen like saucers. She stuck bar of soap in her mouth. Celine slapped it in. Just like she suffocated rito only in reverse taste of her own medicine.

Mikan: that's an example DO NOT CURSE IN MY HOUSE

Rito yuki passed out making lala edge & yui looking down at him.

(Just the ending part)

Yui: i'll take him to bed

Lala: sleep with him

Yui: i am THE TWO OF US

Lala: i already got a boyfriend

Edge: hi we met

To be continued:


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