side chapter: tearjuXlex

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Don't own anything

Tearju pov:

I remember the first day i met him. After rito was brought to normal when ton of clone ritos disappeared. Weeks later i was informed of a new teacher from north america but he been living here for a while. 

Next day as i present the new sub teacher for my class even though idk who he looks like. Kotegawa points to my right. So i looked to my right i was surprised.

He's short wearing school like business suit black hair & red eyes that is very unusual for a human. He stared at the skies for so long.

Kotegawa: he informed us he doesn't know who you are so he been here this whole time before we got here. I was gonna ask him but when i saw his look he just stared out in the skies.

He turns to see me i blushed how handsome he is. He smiled at me Kotegawa haruna & lala are taken back by his unusual human appearance even the girls themselves are already lovey dovey looks boys the usual already hating on the new teacher.

Lex: calm down everyone. Boys knock it off

Tearju: class this is your new teacher or sub teacher this is lex hills from america who speaks very well in japanese & other languages


I was never interested in love but when i first met him i felt like i was looking at myself in the mirror. Idk why but its odd.

I have nightmares about my years of running away. Wound i have since i got shot performing medical treatment still leaves a scar.

Interesting thing i found about him. King gid pull up some classified files about him. He was a mercenary ace pilot that defended sainan 15 years ago. He disappeared after he destroyed two russian prototypes & left without no trace on a foreign jet f22 raptor with unusal black body paint.

He looks kinda sick. We talked together during recess & other things. Yami & mea took a liking to him as more of a father figure.

Wait FATHER FIGURE. So that does make me..... i am knock experience with romance i am aware of my body that will make any male go in some ecchi but lex he's different.

One day he got the human perverted principle in trouble by trying to go for the younger girls especially me & his office are filled with porno mags.

Mikado is right. I am falling in love.

Lex pov:

Blonde is so clusmy like that kid. My name is called by kotegawa.

Kotegawa: you really did changed this place hills sensei

Lex: thanks for the compliment. You know yui rito isn't that kind of guy. He's clumsily. Young love is difficult for you him and any age. I can see that in yout eyes. Advice to you please don't jump conclusions. I don't want any unwanted incidence. Keep your eyes open. You can't change males of this earth to change only they can in their hearts. It means that only they can for themselves. If they to be well minus rito but the other boys. If they don't just do what you can to correct them so they can get focus on their studies. Ask for my help if they decided to do something stupid

Kotegawa: thank you. How you know my love for rito?

Lex: you knew him since kid age. Haruna is timid for him her shows rejection

To be continued:


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