Chapter 5: First Impression

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Once everyone boarded the assault transport the shuttle exited the hangar and descended into Kashyyyk. Saria was amazed at the sight as they flew over the wroshyr tree forests. She had never seen such trees before. These trees were over several kilometers high with long vines that dangled from the highest branches. If they hadn't come here on a mission, Saria would have been eager to climb one of those vines.

Up ahead she saw one of the biggest wroshyr trees so far in the whole forest, perched on the beach side of a vast ocean. Saria was in awe. As they got closer, she began to make out small huts and what looked to be homes built into the massive tree and surrounding its trunk. This must be the Wookie's village, Saria thought.

There were two wookies waiting on the beach shore of the village when the gunships landed. Both were tall males covered in brown fur. The only way to tell the difference between the two was by what type of armor they wore and by the fact that one had darker colored fur and armor strapped to his shoulder and chest. Saria assumed that one must be the leader by how authoritative the wookie stood watching as the assault transports reached the ground.

Excited, Saria stepped out of the gunship, expecting to feel the sandy ground beneath her, but to her surprise there was nothing but air. Before she had a chance to even react, Saria's face was met with soft damp sand.


Back on the Assault gunship, Cody looked down in surprise, the General's new apprentice laid face first in the sand beside the ship which was hovering at least two feet above the ground. Cody chuckled to himself and hopped off the ship. Saria sat up grumbling and wiping the sand from her face. "You alright there?" Cody said, offering her a hand. Saria took his hand, and the commander pulled her up. "Yeah... just a bruised ego."

"I would advise being more aware of how close we are to the ground before walking off the gunship next time," Obi-wan said, grinning as he walked off the now landed assault transport. Saria's face turned rosy-pink with embarrassment. "Y-yes master. Sorry master."

Obi-wan gave Saria's shoulder a soft pat before walking off to speak with one of the wookies, who had also witnessed Saria's clumsy act. "Good first impression, if I do say so myself," Cody said. Saria glared at the commander as she began to dust the sand off herself.

This made Cody grin under his helmet. He was beginning to find teasing the girl quite amusing. "At least master Anakin didn't notice," Saria muttered.

"Oh on, he definitely saw. It appeared to take everything in his power not to comment on it," Cody said.

Saria groaned. "He's going to give me a hard time about it later, no doubt."

"Everything alright over here?"

Cody turned to see Captain Rex walking over.

"Everything is fine, Rex. Saria here only bruised her ego," Cody chuckled, earning another rosy-faced glare from the padawan.

It was then when Obi-wan called the three of them over.

"We have been informed that there have indeed been signs of Separatist probe droids in the surrounding woods." Obi-wan said. "A total of 4 have been spotted in various locations. The wookies agreed to guide us to two of the most frequent locations, and so we will spilt into groups."

"Rex and I will take the boys to the last spotted location, North," Anakin said, nodding to the captain.

"Agreed. Cody, Saria, and I will then head South to the second location," Obi-wan said. "Notify us if you find anything."

Anakin nodded, and the groups dispersed. 

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