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Ten months earlier.

Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, SHAPE. Mons, Belgium.

"Welcome, lieutenant colonel Alvarez. The meeting will take place on the second floor, first sergeant Ryan will guide you to the waiting room. If you'd be kind enough to follow him..."

"Thank you," I answer smiling, trying to look confident despite feeling insecure while walking on the blue carpet, down a dull but well-lit corridor, with white walls covered with pictures, insignias and commemorative plaques from big shots' visits.

This is the first time I set foot on the NATO Allied Command Operations headquarters despite I've heard lot of things about this building. It's less solemn than I expected, actually, I don't know what I was expecting. My entire life turned upside down since my boss called me into his office unexpectedly last week. Brigadier-General Garcia is a mate from the legion and we both were born in the same city, some decades apart, he's always been kind to me since I joined the Special Operations Command but, that day, he looked more serious than ever.

"You're going to participate in a new exchange programme with soldiers from other allied countries that will last for a few months. You're flying to Belgium next Tuesday which means you have only four days to pack your stuff, say goodbye to your family and settle your affairs here."

"Yes, sir," I blinked surprised by the news and by the commanding officer's furrowed brow. "Is there any problem?"

"To be honest, yes. They're taking one of my best officers away from me just when we're working on an important project to reorganise the units in a more efficient manner, but nobody told me why or when you're coming back. And when I told them that this was not a good moment for you to leave the MOE, they answered that saying no to this exchange programme is not an option. You're going to Belgium and that's an order, I'm afraid, not a polite request."

"What's going on?" I whispered in shock.

"If you find out, tell me later."

So here I am, wearing the uniform for "special events," that's basically my service dress uniform with a black tie instead of a khaki one. Luckily, skirts have long been optional in the Spanish Army so I can wear comfortable trousers and shoes. I even trimmed a little shorter my reddish-brown hair and I'm wearing blush on my cheeks, concealer to cover the dark circles under my brown eyes and a touch of gloss on my lips. The fact that I'm wearing makeup, even if it's very subtle, only shows how nervous I really am today, totally out of my depth despite I've been serving in the army for long years. Sargeant Ryan opens a door and gestures to invite me in, I nod smiling and walk with firm steps despite suspense is killing me inside my head.

This is very strange and I don't like it, I joined the army to enjoy order and structure in my life after a little chaotic childhood and teen years. I hate not having all the accurate information before going on a mission and something tells me that I'll get an unpleasant surprise today. I don't need my sniper's sixth sense to know that, when the top bosses are whispering secrets in each other's ears, the subordinates will be in charge of doing the hard work and getting their uniforms dirty.

"Good morning," I whisper in English and people present in the room repeat my words quietly or nod to greet me but remain silent, waiting standing and ignoring the chairs scattered around, some of them are leaning their elbows on the wall but all of them keep their back straight, holding their caps or berets, their faces look serious... and I can feel the same suspense and doubts in the atmosphere. All of them are women, officers, tall, athletic, with short hair and experience in dealing with problems when shit hits the fan, I'm sure of that. Not only because my instinct is telling me so, but because it's obvious that there's a pattern here, these women look like me and I'm all those things... and more. We're an interesting group of people...

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