Hawkeye Deleted Scene- You Never Miss (Part 1)

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long! I have no excuse, I kinda just couldn't find the motivation... and then my laptop was broken... point is, I'm back! Enjoy the chapter!
Also, TW for a panic attack.

Next one up is a scene about Clint. Voice says. 

"Ah ha!" Tony said, rubbing his hands together and cackling maniacally. "Give me all the dirt!"

Clint sounded unusually subdued when he spoke up. "What year is this in?" He asked.

There was a pause, and Voice eventually replied, 1984.

Clint drew in a sharp breath, and ran a hand through his short hair. "Clint? You okay?" Sam asked, concerned. Clint forced a smile.

"You'll see, I think." 

Everyone turned back to the screen with renewed interest as the video began to play.

The scene started up at a carnival, showing a large spinner, panning down to display a carousel. The words 1984 appeared on screen.

"You're old, Katniss." Tony said smugly.

"Yeah, like you're in your twenties?" Clint retorted.

"Shut up, both of you." Nat said, half affectionately- but they had all learnt to take her seriously when it came to her threats. They both snapped their mouths shut from what was sure to become a long, boring argument.

The screen shows a large crowd of people, finally coming to rest on a young woman, maybe in her mid-twenties, and a little boy, seven or eight years old. They walk together, looking around excitedly.

"Is that you, Friend Clint?" Thor exclaims, looking delighted. 

"You were so cute!" Nat cooed with a delighted, if not slightly mischievous, smile on her face.

"Shut up." Clint grumbles half-heartedly.

"Who's that woman, Barton?" Fury asked suddenly.

"My mum." Clint said, allowing himself a small smile. She'd done the best she could to raise him around a shitty, abusive dad, before running away with no money, no food, and no place to sleep. All in all, especially considering the circumstances, she'd done a pretty good job.

A/N: We're just gonna call Clint's mum Edith, okay? I'm too lazy to write 'Clint's mum' every time -_-

Edith: Well, I think it's because he helped so many people.
Clint: But why did he use a bow and arrow and not a gun?

Bucky snorted, amused smirk on his face. "That's rich coming from you."

Clint shot him a playfully angry glare.

Edith: Clint, I don't think they had guns in the Middle Ages.
Clint: Why is it called the Middle Ages? Are we living in the Big Ages?
Edith: No, maybe the Late Ages, I don't know.
Suddenly, they both bumped into a tall guy with grunts. 
Edith: Oh, I'm so sorry.
The guy: Are you okay?
Edith: Oh no, I'm thrilled, my head is spinning trying to keep up with this guy.
She put a hand on Clint's shoulder.

Fury and Nat grinned in unison. "Sounds like you." Nat commented.

The guy smiled, pointing a playful finger after them.
The guy: Hey, don't you wear your sister out!
Clint half-turned back to where the guy was still standing. 
Clint: She's my mum!

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